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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-24-2004 at 9:08pm
Current mood: touched
Music: Beach Boys
Subject: An entry all for Heather
Heather is the coolest person ever! She thinks just like I do. We're on the same brain wave or something. I love it. I'm so glad she's my friend... and that I had the chance to be hers. So this entry is to you Heather. I love you, rock on. We're just starting this journey... and though we may have started it later than some, at least we're in it together. Better late than never, right? We can become better people together!

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you rock Jacqui!, 04-25-04 2:28pm

Jacqui you're the greatest. i love you! and yes we are on the same brain wave...which rocks!!! i'm so lucky to have you as my friend. luv ya tons!!!

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