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xvivaxlabamxfanx (profile) wrote,
on 4-26-2004 at 9:08am
Current mood: tired
Music: Nightmare Soundtrack
Subject: blah..
o0ok.. so we didnt go to the movies YET.. but o0o well.. i wonder what josh will say when he decides to talk to me like alex told me he said he would.. and just like him lying about the Tom Jones thing.. alex told me josh said he was free all weekend when josh told felicia that we couldnt go to the movies coz he was working all weekend.. so yeah.. who knows when hes telling the truth anymore..

w00t, new seasons of PUNK'D and VIVA LA BAM started yesterday!! weee
and i added patches to my pants.. 2 more gc patches to my GC pants, and then on my big plain black jeans (that im wearing today) i added my "Speed Metal Army--Death to false Metal", "Destructo Demolitia" and my "Social Distortion" one, with the skeleton thats smoking a cigarette and holding a glass of wine, heh ^_^
i was gonna add 2 more this morning but i was running WAYY late.. ill add them when i get home so they'll be on them for the next time i wear them.. its the Mushroom and Sun thingy that Anthony gave me all they way back on my birthday..

but yea, alex was asking me to update so heres me update..
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04-27-04 9:27pm

wow, thanx for the update Josh isn't really as bad a person as your making him out to be tho, just to let you kno. He just needz to get his priorities strait, and needs to figure out how to manage his little free time, and not to over book himself. As for canceling plans, amybe he just needed alittle him time for a change. It'll all be ok tho, he never means to hurt you, he is really a good guy at heart even if he can be an asshole sometimez...


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