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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-26-2004 at 6:57pm
Current mood: sore
Music: Full House
Subject: WWJD
lalala. i fell on my face at practice. "sliding" into home. though it wasn't really a slide. more of a i-don't-wanna'-slide-so-i'll-standishly-slide. that was pretty funny. then we quit 45 minutes early... just cause we can. we watched varsity play from this little red building behind home plate. that was cool. gives ya' a whole new perspective on the game. very rockin'. kinda' dredding varsity though. mr. reed is mucho scary. like bad. he screamed at katie empie just because she got out. she was only out by about a tenth of a second. it was so dumb. not even cool at all. but yea, that reed for ya'.

Recap on the school day:

1st hour- boring as always... worked the whole hour and i'm still not done. grrr on that.

2nd hour- romeo and juliet is a good story and all, and i like old english sometimes, but that's just annoying. ugh. oh well, not incredibly terrible.

3rd hour- ringler. gives new meaning to the word moody. he's funny sometimes but then others... he's an ass.

4th hour- spanish. love the language. but crowley's been muy dumb lately. i don't know whats up w/ her but it gets old fast. that's okay, we get to watch a movie for three days in a row now anyway. YAY!

5th hour- kruisinga was our sub. in algebra. he was so confusing me. but it was just a^2+b^2=c^2 anyway. no biggie at all. but still funny to watch him try and teach math. normally he's my p.e. teacher. just too weird!

6th hour- oh the joyfulness. we disected pigs. gross w/ a passion!! but i lived. caleb put his shirt over my back and somehow it got pigness on it, so of course it's my fault. and so i now must wash and iron it for him. lol. joyful.

after school- retook my spanish test, and passed w/ an even better score than before. (she makes you retake it... it's weird) but yea, then got changed for practice and tried to find steph. i failed misserably at that at first... then i found her when amy told me she was in the parking lot. so i got a ride to practice. (always rockin') we saw heather, emily, shelly, and someone else... not sure who... on the way. so we stopped and picked up heather and emily. shelly and the other person were picked up by katelyn's mom. then yea, you know the rest. grand isn't it? yea i thought so.

so yea, my lovely life. boring. uneventful. and yet somehow... i love it.

adios. have a rockin', kick butt day. love ya' much. rock on.


(the stalker will find you, don't try to run! muhahahahaha!!!)

sorry that just sounded fun. hehehe.

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04-26-04 9:17pm

"(the stalker will find you, don't try to run! muhahahahaha!!!)"

That scares me. He's comming for me, isn't he?

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04-26-04 10:30pm

we disected pigs. ?????? WHAT??? WE?? MORE LIKE ALLISON WHILE SHE MADE CHAD HOLD THE LEGS UP!! lol..did u guys do any of that worksheet? u really should work on that tomorrow..josh is a i love u..

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04-27-04 5:04pm

Ah, the Pathagorean Theorem, or however you spell it. I actually liked that.

It's a helluva lot easier than what we're doing now. Mr. Modisher can just go away right now.

Psh, dissecting pigs isn't THAT gross. Probing at the brain was fun.

Haha.. This note sounds completely nerdy.

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