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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 4-27-2004 at 5:48pm
Current mood: flirty
Music: Gone Country - Alan Jackson
my birthday is thursday ill Finally be 15 *rolls my eyes*. im so much younger then everyone, but im 'bout half past give-a-shit anymore about almost everything. anyways, mom just come runnin through the door yellin at me and told me i have to "turn the computer off RIGHT NOW" so whatevers up her ass im gonna get an earful tonight bout it.
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04-27-04 10:19pm

You shoulda told me sooner. I would have got you something. Should I get you something? What do you want? Anyways Happy not-past-give-a-shit Birthday!!!! :)

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Re:, 04-28-04 5:54pm

nope, dont get me anything kell. people turn 15 everyday it aint no big deal. love ya and ill talk to you whenever babe

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