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innocence (profile) wrote, on 4-27-2004 at 8:08pm | |
FUCK YOU you shit talkin' psycho bitch and FUCK YOU you lying skeeving asshole. you know what you did. dont deny it. im too good for you. i dont deserve your shit. i wont be there for you to fall back on. so fuck you. you dont deserve me. and one more word out of psycho-fuck and i swear.. somethings gonna happen. mario was right the whole time.. and i wont stop going over there. she fucked up my first relationship.. but she sure as hell aint gonna fuck up my next one! god damn im so fuckin heated.. |
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lostinthecrowd | 04-27-04 9:16pm alrighty... this crying nonsense officially has to STOP! our puddle is over flowing. it's now a damn lake! you're going to drown meeee! ahhh! iLy x 349687
innocence | Re:, 04-28-04 7:24pm LOL.. oh man wick! that was great! ok, ill stop. i dont want to drown you! i love you soo muuch!! // and i keep forgetting to send that 2bucks lol. im screwed if it doesnt get to him in time! xoxo |
strawberrie | Re: Re:, 04-28-04 7:58pm i already sent mine lol!!! |
Anonymous | 04-28-04 8:31pm god heather you have no life
strawberrie | Re:, 04-28-04 8:43pm i know zach but hey... |
Anonymous | 04-28-04 10:11pm hahaha
lostinthecrowd | Re:, 04-29-04 3:53pm that's not how that night went. uh.. tyler was watching a clock work organge, but he had just left for work, or to go out or something. and u guys came over. i dont own alice in wonderland, so i wouldn't have been looking for it. we definately just sat down and started watching a clockwork orange where he left off.. yeah, memories. get them right. |