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werealljaded (profile) wrote,
on 4-27-2004 at 9:43pm
Subject: what is the world coming too??

I am in line at the bank, and these two kids that i guess havn't seen each other for a while were in line behind me. I'd say about 19-20. boy number one asks number 2 "so how are you man?" and number two says "i'm great, just bought a new thunderbird and a great apartment on the beach"....boy number two was acting all cocky and high class.
this got me thinking. why is it that we live in a world today that how are you isn't a question about your family or yourself per say, but about your bank account? who gives a fuck about your new car, are you happy or healthy, that's what i mean when i ask how someone is. fuck america
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04-29-04 1:54am

fuck america? fuck small minded people.

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