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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-30-2004 at 2:26pm
Current mood: crazy
Music: 89.9 WAY FM
Subject: Prom's tonight. Not for me for Steph.. but it's still happy!
So yea, half days rock. 1st hour we watched Fater Of The Bride. 2nd hour we watched the party seen of the modern Romeo and Juliet movie. 3rd hour we just did whatever we wanted because we had a sub... Chad wanted a re-match on the trivia game, so I played him and wooped him again! lol great stuff. 4th hour we were suppose to have a test but crowley didn't want to be unfair to the meap takers so she cancelled it and we got to just sit there the whole time "studying our words". It was grand. 5th hour we actually learned something, but not a lot. And it was pretty easy anyway. 6th hour Carr was our sub so we just hung out. Caleb, Chad and I worked on ou disection worksheet thingy since Allie did the whole disection basically... except the brain... we didn't get too far though. But oh well. No biggie.

So yea, that was my day. Boring. Steph's getting her hair done for prom at the moment. She's gonna' look SO pretty. I love her dress w/ a passion. It's all pretty and pink and stuff. Gorgeous. She better take tons of pictures. Heck she better just bring the camera. I'm so happy for her. I made her a little card telling her to have fun and hid it in her purse so hopefully she won't find it until dinner and then she'll know I love her. Yes, corny. But I love my sister.

We lost our games yesterday. Merceyed twice. But Unity Christian is the best team in the league, so that's understandable. We played hard though. Need batting practice. All of us. Julie needs to come pitch to us some day so that we can get used to hitting faster pitches. Krystal, Melanie, and I don't pitch fast and we're the only people our team ever gets to hit of live. So yea, fun stuff. Heather's going to the JV ternament w/ them. That's awesome. She's an awesome first base-person. hehe. Best on our team in my opinion. So that's cool.

Ariana's coming over at like 5:30 tonight and she's spending the night. We're going to the track meet tomorrow, cuz my mom's working the concession. So that should be somewhat fun. I think. Unless it gets cancelled cuz of rain or something. But we'll just hope it doesn't... if it does I'll be immensly bored!

Well I shall go now. Have fun children. Rock on. Mucho amor.

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04-30-04 5:28pm

6th hour did rock today......tyler can be super cool when he wants too...he is funny actually... and i suppose josh was being ok...stephane was gay as is carr...hehe i love ya

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05-01-04 7:08pm

aww thank you Jacqui!! i feel loved!!!!!!!

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