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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 5-1-2004 at 5:45pm
Current mood: remembering
Subject: The memories from 9th grade... so far.
-tennis season
-the soccor game w/ shelly
-football games
-watching stephy and my friends compete for band
-softball conditioning
-the 'shoe thing'
-bowling on a half day w/ ariana, larissa, steph, heather b. and jake.
-getting my butt whooped at twister at the color gaurd party
-meeting all the new people
-cooking in food and nutrition
-spanish class... everyday's a new memory in there
-softball season so far
-watching my friends play in freshmen and jv football games
-basketball games w/ my friends
-the youth group all-nighter
-the band hallway (i swear all memories are made there, it's weird)
-the red wings game
-the hoedown
-dances after games
-playing c1trivia in BMMT
-the conversations between all of us in BMMT
-the smily face thing w/ caleb and I
-"skipping" bio. to sit in the library and talk to caleb
-becoming better friends w/ adam
-getting to know more people on my bus (they can be cool)
-youth group outings w/ katie
-lunch w/ jill and michelle
-the smily faced slinky man conversation...
-seeing "The Perfect Score" w/ adam and being the only people in the theater.
-re's mom having Joshua
-getting to know people who i never even gave the time of day before.

Of course there are more. I could think of them if I had more time... but I don't. So feel free to add to my list. Those were mostly good memories... or just plain odd ones. But over-all I'd say this year I've made the most memories, good or bad, than any other year of my life. And that my dears, is an accomplishment.

I love you all. Rock on. Adios

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SHOE FIGHT, 05-01-04 7:06pm

a haha ha ha love the shoe thing. hmm let me think of another one
darn i think you hit them all...i'll get back to ya

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05-01-04 11:14pm

I think we all know now why the smilely face was really

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