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Butterfly (profile) wrote, on 5-1-2004 at 7:58pm | |
Current mood: cold Music: Silhouettes - Smile Empty Soul Subject: Anniversary |
Today is Kelly and I's two month anniversary but hes working so its spent apart like our last one. it sucks but hes got a job, and he cant lose it and all that good junk. anyways, tonight is prom, and ashley looked so beautiful. her date, andrew something, is sweet but pretty goofy looking. lol i met him for the first time tonight before they headed off, and i, doing my duty as a sister, took poor little andrew aside and laid out the rules to him. ha im sure he was just petrified of me considering i stand at 5'4" and he was 6'2" and i weigh about 145 and hes like 250 like almost all freaking muscle. ANYWAYS...yeah lol i need to go do my homework. OMG the finally of Nashville Star is on tonight. i swear im going to bawl, i love that show so much and...ahh i want brad to win!! hes so cute omg!! Rachel |
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Valoth | 05-02-04 6:50pm Happy Anniversary! lol Sorry I had to work and all that. Anyway lol Im glad you laid down the law with ashley's date. |