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lifesuxsodanz (profile) wrote,
on 5-2-2004 at 2:10pm
bleh....I hate sundays

yesterday I woke up and drove over to the FAU campus at 12 for chem tutoring. It was alright janyll and german were there too. I felt so shitty thought like I had a hangover without the alcohol. I couldnt wake up or make my eyes focus and I had a headache it was messed up. I actually need to go to teh eye doctor my eyesight is starting to get weird. Ive been putting it off for a while. Damn computers....

Afterwards I was in the WORST mood. It was just one of those days where my dads mere existence just pissed me off to no end. I was so mean to him in the car. I had left my stat book in my locker cuz im a dumbass and I didnt have an AP book so we had to go to barnes and noble to get one and I bought the AP government book while I was there.

Afterwards my dad wanted to take me out to lunch at PF changs or sumthing and I Was just like no were going home. and hes like why and I was like because if we go to a restuarnt that means I have to sit with you for a longer paeriod of time than guys have NO idea the things I say to him it's really horrible. We ended up picking up sandwhiches at the whole foods market and I was gunna scream because it was full of obnoxious boca people and there was this whole hawaiian thing going on outside with loud obnoxious music and I just wanted to whip out a machine gun and go to town on everyone out there with their fucking happy smiling faces....did I mention it was beautiful outside? The sunlight annoyed me immensely.

Went home ate bitched at my mom when she came come my parents finally got the mesage to stay away from me.

I fell asleep for 3 hours and woke up unsure of whether it was 6:30 am or pm...then I did sum styduing....the AP book has a year-long studyplan...a 3 month plan...and a 5 week plan for those who like to cram.....yeahhh there doesnt seem to be a 2day study plan...the test is on tuesday : / fuck it

My parents ordered Duplex on pay per view so I watched it with them even though I saw it already.

I was wired all night couldnt sleep could only study for a little bit. Nothing on TV then I started to feel nauseous and dizzy and delerious. I made myself throw up and I felt better...not the healthiest of skills to possess but it helped.

My parents are visiting my aunt and the baby today and I'm supposed to be studying...I will eventually, hope everyone else's weekend was better than mine.

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05-02-04 3:28pm


i'm def sick of studying stats...

and i really hope u feel better if not 2day, then tmrw.


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Re:, 05-02-04 4:11pm


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