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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 5-2-2004 at 9:38pm
Current mood: annoyed
Music: The world around me...
Subject: meh.
Sisters, can't live w/ 'em. Can't get a ride to school w/o 'em.

It's a lose-lose situation.
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05-03-04 7:49pm

hey mizzz jacquil, at least ur sister is with you...i get to see katie in like 3 weeks! yay!
love ya

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05-04-04 9:25pm

Don't worry, dear, everything will be worked know, that thing i was talking to you about last night..yeah..
it's all good now..:)

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Re:, 05-05-04 7:53pm

i love you michelle!! lol.

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