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Iwasthinkingthat (profile) wrote,
on 5-3-2004 at 3:07pm
Current mood: fluctuant
Music: Brand New
Subject: fluctuant?....that isnt even a word is it?
I dont think I like this cd. Its too...familiar. Maybe it'll get better...Im only on the third track.

Yesturday was sunday. Sunday was really good.

Today is Monday. History- We listened to Phil Collins. Gym- Ice Skating which was cold. Lunch which was lunch-like. Psych- we made climbing monkies and wrote a lot. English- I got a 14 on a quiz that I made up the answers to since I didnt read. Then I wrote a note.

Now Im home. Its the first time I have been home on a weekday, doing nothing for awhile.

So we're on track 5 and Im still not into this. Hey Karlene, how about you switch cd's. Wow great idea, thanks.

Jet, I like Jet.

Im done now.

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lukeyy, 05-03-04 9:19pm

hey karlene your the bomb diggity

idk im bored later kool girl!!!! :-)

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Re: lukeyy, 05-04-04 3:50pm

haha thanks luke...

love ya

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