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CoLoMbiAzqT (profile) wrote,
on 5-4-2004 at 5:21pm
Current mood: sleepy
Subject: Ryan gets out tomorrow !
Have you ever had a pimple on your face and you can not even see it but it hurts like a bitch everytime you touch it ? Well I the side of head. You couldn't even see it though it just hurt. Yeah I'm so talking about pimples. But anyways today was a semi-good day, nothing really exciting just boring, normal, usual school. Only about 17 more days until school is completely over..well COUNTING weekends its 24 days ..but still thats not a lot. Next year i'm going to Olympic Heights, I was pissed about it at first but now I really don't's 2 years and then I'm done with high school. Plus I don't have to deal with Alex's crap on why he's 3rd on my best friends list lol. But who knows..maybe it might not be so bad. Well today I'm going to go with Ashley to visit Ryan at the hospital [cause he got into a car accident] and ahh I'm nervous to see him ! I'm just so unbelievbly happy that he's okay. But yeah I might get a little visit from a Goood friend of mine =) later byee
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ho, 05-04-04 9:59pm

eww bia you have a f-ing list ?! that makes me feel improtant ! ::TeAr:: jay kay .. i dont care.. [( as i roll my eyes)]

i love you ! .. your NUMBER ONE best friend .. Amanda<3

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05-05-04 7:29pm

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