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xvivaxlabamxfanx (profile) wrote,
on 5-5-2004 at 9:13am
Current mood: tired
Music: Linkin Park - Meteora
Subject: ehh >_<
ehh.. i woke up at 6:20 this morning.. grr.. i hate being tired!!! lmao.. uhh..

yea.. my mom made me take the earring out of my lip.. and it was a lil swollen.. and now she has to be a fuckin bitch and tell me im not allowed to get anything peircing/tattoo related untill im 18 and i move out.. i fuckin hate that pot head who calls herself a mom.

o0o and last night, this girl Lena that ive known for a while randomly ims me.. hopefully we'll chill today.. i just talked to Kevin like.. 15 minutes ago and he said he might have band practice.. i told him that i wrote him a note asking what he was doin after i told him what the note said so hes like "well, give it to me anyway" so i will at the end of this period when i see him..

blahh.. heres a few quotes:

"Kill me while i still beleive that you were meant for me" -Yellowcard

"They say dreams are real as long as they last... couldnt we say the same about life?"

"I Kepp my scars from prying eyes, incapable of ever knowing why... Somebody breath, I've got to have an answer, why am i so facinated by bigger pictures, better things? But i dont care what you think, you'll never understand me!" -Slipknot

"The truth is... You could slit my throat and with my one last gasping breath, i'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt"
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05-05-04 7:13pm

i don't think my girlfriend would hang out with someone as lame as you.

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