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LoupGarou (profile) wrote,
on 5-7-2004 at 9:47pm
Current mood: doopster poopy!
Music: He lives in You - Lion King II: Return to Pride Rock soundtrack
Subject: a looooong entry
Howdy! I suppose I shall start with this weekend. (I like this song - 'tis purdy indeed. You should watch the movie *nodnod*)
This Saturday was my mom's birthday. My sister and I woke up early (7:45. That is THE CRACK OF DAWN FOR ME! I usually wake up at 11 on the weekends) and went downstairs to try and cook mom breakfast. Denise was going to do the eggs while I made the waffles. I toasted the waffles and Denise tried to start the stove. Unfortunately Mom came out and saw, since she was sleeping downstairs in the other room thing. We told her to go back to bed anyway and she did. She was just paranoid when she heard someone trying to turn on the stove (it's a gas stove so when you turn it on it makes a clickety noise). Since mom could live off of fruit and nuts, I cut up a pear and took out some carmelized pecans (those are so good). When the waffles were done I put the pears on the waffles and the nuts as well and put whipped cream on the top. Denise finished with her part (eggs and some cereal with some more stuff Mom likes in it) and (I have a lot of parenthesis in this entry, so I thought i'd add another in just for fun) we went outside to the side garden place with the hammock and carefully picked a few small flowers to garnish the plates. We presented it to Mom and she was so happy. She made us help her eat it because it was too much for her to finish.
She got a lot of birthday calls that day (well duh, it was her birthday after all. [Hey look! It's a parenthesis within a parenthesis!]). Oooh and know what? Invader Zim was on that day! Yush it was was! Dib is so awesome.
Later that day I got ready to go to my friend's house so we could see her in the play Oliver at her school. She lives close to the school, so her family, Cassie ([yet another parenthesis thing] Another one of my friends from my old school) and I walked. Her mom is really cool, and her little brother Ian, is so cute!
We saw David Marusiac, I danced with him at the last St. Cat's dance, and I have to say that since I went to school with him, he has changed a lot. He used to tuck his shirt in, which happened to be a button up plaid long-sleeved one most of the time, during free dress, and now he spikes his hair and is a lot more laid back with his clothing: baggy hoodie sweatshirts and more-comfortable-looking pants. Since I didn't give a very good description of the people from that school before, I will try to now. David M is probably about 5'4" or so. He's a blonde-haired, blue/green-eyed guy with a slender frame that can sometimes be slightly hunched over (I think his posture has gotten better though). Personality-wise he's really friendly and I nice person to talk to when you get the chance.
The play was done very well (they actually have a good drama program, unlike my current school. When I was there I was in the production Peter Pan and it was so much fun.) As usual, Vinton got one of the better parts. I mentioned him in another entry but I don’t think I described him much either. Vinton is maybe an inch or two taller than me with hair he spikes that is dark enough to be considered black unless you look very closely (in the play he was wearing a grey wig and a goutee). His skin is about as pale as mine (and I’m pretty pale), and he has these very noticeable green eyes. He also has a very slender frame and from what Julie tells me, he has a six pack now O_o (this is a good thing, people. Yush indeed). He takes pride in his Persian background, even though we try and convince him the Persians are extinct. His parents even gave him a few real swords and an axe for his birthday, which he keeps hanging over his bed. That’d suck if there was an earthquake, wouldn’t it? He’s one of the best actors in the school nevertheless in our grade, as I believe I mentioned before, and he’s a very interesting person to be around.
Anyway, he played the character Faygen, head of the pick-pockets.
Just to warn you, there be more big fat descriptions ahead, mateys.
When the play ended, we waited for Marianne, who played the mother who dies in the beginning, a chimneysweep, a waitress during “Oom pa pa”, and a pick-pocket. We also waited for Julie, who played a pick-pocket, a waitress in “Oom pa pa”, and a strawberry seller that sings. Oh I know you were just longing for another description, so here it is.
Marianne is either the same height or half an inch taller than me, with thin tawny hair that she keeps pulled back most of the time. She takes a lot of pride in her English background, and if you see her room, she has an English flag rug and a huge English flag hanging on her wall. She’s the type of person that takes and interest in dancing and singing and that shtuff.
Julie is one of my best friends. She’s of Italian background with dark-ish brown hair that goes a little past her shoulders. She has large brown eyes and is probably around 5’3 1/2” or 5’4”. She’s very insecure about herself, even though she is one of the most-fit and smartest person I know (should it be “people I know”?). She has very well set down morals and sticks to them. She does not believe in ghosts or anything else supernatural except for the idea of God, because she was brought up that way. Every time I call her or talk to her or want to get together to do something she is always doing homework, and beats herself up if she ever finds herself procrastinating (which in her case is studying for a test that is on Wednesday on Sunday. Overall though, she is one of the coolest people I know, and it’s pretty obvious that she’s going to go far in life. She takes piano and loves it, as well as singing, though she beats herself up over that as well by saying she’s not good even though she is.
We visited for a little while until Julie had to leave, and then I took Marianne’s chimney sweep and her hat along with a fake cigar that shot smoke out of it if you blew in to it and danced around on the empty stage. A little while later they chased after me because I was embarrassing them and Cassie wanted to take one of the props I was using away from me. So I went off stage for a bit and talked with David Hasbany, a really nice guy in my class that worked as backstage crew during the play. Yes, another description. I shall try to keep it brief. David is already 6’1” or maybe a few inches taller. Maybe it was 6’3”. Anyway, as you can guess, he’s pretty good at basketball. He has naturally tan skin and dark brown hair. He smiles a lot and is very nice and polite. Fun to talk to. He always says hi. Yush he is cool indeed.
So I talked with him for a bit and then went on my quest for hats. I found David’s brother, Zach, who played the bad guy in the play. He’s in the 6th grade and already must be 5’10”. In the play he wore a crumpled top hat and I asked him if I could wear it and he let me. He looks just like his brother, with only a few differences. At the time his teeth were all red because he had gotten shot at the end of the play and had a blood capsule in his mouth that he bit. However I didn’t get to wear the hat long. I think he had to go somewhere so he took it back. I then found Vinton and asked if I could wear his hat, which had once been a top hat. He had cut the top off very short and covered it again so the hat reminded me of some sombraro-like thing. I wore it for maybe a minute or so, Vinton’s little sister staring strangely at me the whole time, and then he said “Okay, your moment of glory is over” and took the hat back despite my protests. So I went back to dancing around on stage with the chimney sweep and cigar (Cassie had stolen Marianne’s hat and wouldn’t give it back).

We went back to Marianne’s house, and I had a moment of feeling bad because I wondered if I was obnoxious. It didn’t seem like I bothered many people, but you never know. I have my insecure moments. Because my mom and Cassie’s dad was already on their way to pick us up and we couldn’t go out for ice cream like Marianne’s mom had planned, we made snow cones over at her house. ‘Twas cool indeed. And I like the spoons! Of course, Ian, Marianne’s youngest brother, made sure I had given the spoon back before I left because he was very attached to his special snow cone spoons.

Sunday was Mom’s family birthday party. Not really anything exciting happened there except I saw family. David, my little cousin, is having his first birthday in a few weeks. He’s so cute. He’s gotten a lot more hair and he has these bright blue eyes. His sister, Anna is blonde-haired, blue eyed, and you can tell she’s half Swedish most definitely. She’s so sweet and cute! “Jessie! You want to go bounce on the trampoline with me?” Yush yush cute indeed.

Let’s see now.. Monday. Let me see if I can remember what happened on Monday. Mrs. Gurries moved the science test to Wednesday instead of Friday or Thursday, and Marilyn played hookie that day. Oh yeah, we got a math-free math period and instead helped clean up our principal’s retirement dinner by taking down the big fat decorations. Our vice principal will take over as principal, which really sucks because I don’t like her. And what’s even worse is that a substitute teacher that hates me, Mrs. Duffy, will be vice principal. Blaag! She thinks I’m too random. Well you know what? That’s too bad!
Religion was funny. Kyle randomly asked if the bishop was Jewish. Miss Doherty looked at him weird and he said “Well he was wearing a yammakah!” Miss Doherty explained to him that a yammakah was different than a bishop hat. He didn’t say it to be stupid, just to be entertaining.
A little later in the day Jen said that Anna was going to tell her something about what some of the preps had said. Apparently they were talking bad about her. Once Jen found out, she said that if she felt like it, she would tell me. At lunch, And told me that Dani(ka), Tyler Lefeber, Matt DePaola, Nick Dazzi, and apparently Johnny Cvitanich were talking about the ugliest people in class. Dani and Tyler are major Abercrombie preps while I think the rest were just going with the conversation. They said that Ashley M was the ugliest girl in our grade, and that Jen Chau was the second. Jen is not ugly though. Then they went on naming people and said Louise is ugly (which she is not ) And then they named Marilyn and one of them said “Yeah their whole group is pretty ugly”. And nobody in our group is really ugly. Then they started talking about their own friends. Jessica Lenker is usually really nice. They said “Yeah, if Jess Lenker would just put a bag over her head she whould be the prettiest girl in the world.” Come on! You can’t say that about yoru own friends! “And Shannon look like a dragon.” Shannon is always being made fun of, and it pisses me off how she can just take it like that. She is annoying, but not really mean to any one or anything. It pisses me off. And who are they to say who is ugly? Dani is not pretty. She has dirty blonde hair that is naturally ringlet-curly, but she straightens it. And her straightening sucks. Might as well just call her Miss Frizz head. Her lower lip juts out more than her upper one so much that it seems like there is a crease there. She’s skinny and athletic and most people like her, but my point is that she is not perfect so I don’t know what she is talking about.

Tuesday, I can’t really remember anything significant that happened except I got in an argument with Mrs. Gurries because she thought I was reading a book when in fact I was writing in it. We were supposed to be correcting something and I had my book out ready to correct and was waiting for her to start when she called me up and made me give her the book. I thought the whole thing was funny, especially because it was Erin’s lotr book and didn’t even belong to me. Mrs. Gurries accused me of getting the workbook out to correct after she had called me up. That, of course, was impossible because I stood up immediately and would not have had time to find the page. ~sigh~ some people are so weird. I got it back later.

Wednesday we did our skits in history. Ours was good enough, though boring. Matt’s group, as usual, was the best because it was really funny. They did the Mexican war, so the scene started out with steven and ben sitting with sombreros on their heads playing the guitar. Then Matt shot some Americans with his fake shotgun and sword. Then came the whole war, were Matt would keep shooting people and they would die and then live and die again. Soon Nick Dazzi jumped in in a Zorro hat and a sword and yelled, “I am Zorro!” It was really funny. At lunch we sang song at the top of our lungs and created a whole musical.

Today nothing special happened except I was really hyper this morning and people kept asking if I was high off something. I had to do morning prayer, and during religion class, Marilyn and I had fun being sadistic masochists by hitting each other and laughing about it. Somehow I think I had more fun than she did because later she was complaining to Rose about a “bruise” I had given her when I kicked her. Lol :P Later though we continued our hitting battle after school. ‘Twas fun. Earlier that day though Maria was pissing me off. I was really grumpy, so I was being really mean to her, but she was pissing me off. In Language Arts I’m in a reading group with her and she kept saying how she was going to kill hamsters because she knows how pissed I get when she talks about that kind of stuff. So I hit her and stole her pen and it was fun because most of the reading group was on my side. Yup this is a long entry. I shall shut up now. Sorry to put you through any torture ^_^. Please comment.
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05-08-04 4:49pm

it wasnt too long. i expected to be longer. well, i think you know what i think about all this so i'm not gonna comment on that. the play sounds like it was fun. you are not as annoying as you think..unless those people were tired. bye

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