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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 5-8-2004 at 1:34am
Show's to go ya.

Leather, crisco, walking the dog, Katie Couric.

James Van Der Beek. Justin.

Crisco (Jason this time)

Rocky chair motherfucker no good.

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05-08-04 2:00am

*motherly voice*

Joe, are you drunk AGAIN? Because if you're not, you're not making a whole lot of sense young man!

*Amandaly voice*

And dude, it is SO weird to try and confide in you when you're drunk. ;-) But that's ok. Drunk Joe is better than no Joe at all.

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05-08-04 5:46pm

HAHAHA Dawson's Creek Pilot Episode WOOT!!!!!

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