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justplainolemica (profile) wrote,
on 5-9-2004 at 12:24am
Current mood: its raining... need I say more?
Subject: fun times
So drunk off my ass last night. That was fun. Glad I didnt drink TOO much though. My buzz turned into a pass out, about the time it shouldda. And I'm very greatful for it. I wont put the story in here, cuz those who need to know it do. But lets just say that I am glad that I did not partake in the festivities of the night.

Mothers Day shopping this morning... We are great children... thats all you need to know. Great and broke children.

Just got back from date #2 with Ryan... how can such a cute gentlemanly kid be so boring!? I dunno, granted I've never seen him when hes had 4 or more hours of sleep, but I would think that you should deal with what you've got. Last date I pawned it off on nerves but today was just as bad. I mean it had all the makings of a good date, but I dunno, I'm just not feelin it. We went to dinner, convo was much better than 1st date. Then we went to the movies, saw Johnsons Family Vacation, that SUCKED... it was just a bad movie... dont go see it. So we snuck into Man on Fire. MUCH better movie. Yes, much better. Still not great, but better.... much better. So then we drove home, looked at lightning, which wouldda been incredibally romantic with someone non-him. I dunno it felt like a friend thing... and not even a close friend. Not feelin the relationship thing. Which sucks cuz hes hot as hell and if nothing more I'd do him. LOL
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05-11-04 1:10am

excuse me ms mica, but the festivities of the night were very i was happy to partake in them. hahah. yes.

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