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| playachika (profile) wrote, on 5-11-2004 at 3:28am |
Current mood: sleepy Music: confessions
School was school. Michael left early.. he left 5th period, but thats okay because i was passing at yrbooks at lunch anyway n the chilled with dwight n aaron 7th period. that was fun. haha i got aarons signatures beside his pix in the yearbook! oh right- the yearbook, i got today. its sooo ghetto. i hate it. too much white space. i think the worst page in the whole book is varisy baseball, theres 2 pages of rlike 6 pix. i coulda done better at designing it, hmm oh well. i saw a bunch of the pix i took! haha i have copies of them on my old comp/ . its pretty cool. theresa buncha pix that i took of alexa. she looks sooo pretty in theum! i have a game tonight... could be the last game. if the yankees beat us tonight, we took 2nd, but if we win, then we play ONE more time. cant wait. i feel so blah, im so0o0o sleepy. oh well. as i told michael today, "suck it up solider!" lol... schoool was just so boring today. i didnt want to talk to anyone, so i didnt. anyone who said hi to me, i kinda gave them a smile n kept walking. cept for michael of course. i dont kno what im going to ear to school tomorro. i like to kno because yeah... i wanna look goood for michael bcause... i have to... wow cool i just typed all of this without looking at my fingers and where they are going on the keyboard. not bad not bad not bad! well ima go take a nap before my wonderful game in 3 oaks
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Anonymous | 05-12-04 1:38am Good Luck Babie, and if ya can scan your yearbooks pics, I wanna see some of the pics you tooks, and ya didnt comment on anyone this entry, your sleeping alot call me or stay up a lil later so i can talk 2 ya, <33333 The Eagle
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Anonymous | SLUTS R US :]<3, 05-13-04 6:44pm AWW LAUREN :]<3
did ya think that people honestly were gonna just let everything you did slide? not this time, my love. you've been talking a lot of shit lately - i think its fair that we get a turn. so, you told the administrators on us? wow, thats real big of you. at least we know you can handle ur own problems ! get a life. its not our problem that you're a dirty slut. idk what the fuck you're thinking .. you've had sex twice & don't think you're a whore? even tho thats all you've done ? [nothing inbetween] .. yeah, thats real cool. YOU ARE 15. you're fucking up your life. and michael - yeah he used to be a good guy. you messed up his life. he had so much going for him, and just waving a little pussy in his face made him drop everything he was gonna be great at. yea, thats your fault. everyone hates him now and thinks exactly what i said up there .. YOU SUCK. so i saw the "fuck you" list or the hit list or whatever the hell you wanna call it .. whats up with that? ok they're people who make your life hell? so what. get over it. cus printing it out on paper is definately the wisest thing to do ! :] .. NOT. you're an idiot who actually gave us hard-core proof of all the crap you've done. you cant get us in trouble for hating you. and not for harrassment if you did it back. so theres nothing that can be done so just give up. the year is almost over and everyone will be soo freaking glad that we never have to see your nasty face for a whole 3 months ! [i know i'm thrilled] - OH haha you'll never guess what i heard (and totally believe) - you made mikey a 4 hour video of yourself masturbating? HOW ROMANTIC !! andd it was four hours long cus you couldnt get off? .. thats weird since you've had sex you should have just had mikey do it & then film it .. or can he not have sex w/ you cus ur pussy is dilated 3 FUCKIN FEET WIDE ?! yeahh i'm going with B. lauren, i'm sorry you're life is so pathetic that you have to go out & make everyone hate you and find out everything about you. i'm sorry you have no friends and no one to trust cus all your secrets leak out [hmm .. a friendship issue?] i'm sorry you have to put people down to "gain" some respect even though everyone thinks you're the lamest thing ever. i'm NOT sorry that my friends went up to you and said something [i was there haha ali was phenomenal!!] i'm sorry you think you are hot shit when you're definitely not. i do, on the other hand, have some GRAND advice for you - GET OUT OF FMHS. your reputation has been ruined. no one's ever gonna think of you as sweet, innocent, lauren ever again. grow up, face up to your mistakes, and its good you've finally gotten out of the denial stage of you being a slut. i'm glad you can accept it. and does michael not even give a shit about you not being a virgin? oh well .. sucks to be him. i'm sure he loves dating a walking STD. i'm even scared to run into you in the halls for fear that i might get HIV on my shoulder [GASP!] .. haha well, its been real lauren :]
stay tight <3
-- woops too late!
hugs & kishez ;] - ME*
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playachika | Re: SLUTS R US :]<3, 05-14-04 4:08pm im sorry you feel that way.
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