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m&ms487 (profile) wrote,
on 1-15-2003 at 7:45pm
Current mood: confused
T.j. kept coming up behing me and pushing me and crap, so before last hour I saw him comin and kicked him in the shin. See, I don't need jejuan to protect me. Not that she does all that much, I'm just "her freshman" and nobody messes with me if she can help it I guess? Oh well, I have to give my fucking 6 minute memorized speech tomorrow. It's gonna be taped too. It's our final exam too. God, i will be so glad when I get it over with. It's a persuasive speech. Why couldn't I have picked a better topic? Mike had legalizing marijuana, mandy had child abuse, and what did I choose? Hmm? Standardized tests. Yes, Standaridized test. My thesis statement is: The emphasis on teaching and doing well on standardized tests needs to be limited. Well, at least I get to talk about a girl who throws up because she's so nervous to take a meap test. Well, that's basically the best part of my speech "interest wise". It will get me a good grade, teachers like things that involve them. I guess that's all that really matters. I also got to use the intro for my english exam because we had to write and introduction to an essay, so I just wrote the intro to my speech. For all it's been edited, I should get all the points. Now all i have to do is get up and remember it all. Oh, that'll be easy, considering I finished memorizing it TODAY. You know, i would be content to sit home and watch E.R in the mornings and soap operas in the afternoon. I would do that it someone let me. But then I never go outside. But then again, it's only like 10 degrees out there right now, so who would WANT to be out there? Not me.
I've been real off lately. I think it's just stress, no, I HOPE it's just stress. I've mixed up words and written things and made sill mistakes like what is 9x4? Well, i learned that it's not 32. Yup, and in the process wasted a page of paper working out answers on the basis of that mistake. I've know it's 36 since 4th grade. I really HOPE this is just stress....
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01-15-03 8:26pm

What can I say? "Lifes a bitch and then you die."

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