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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 5-12-2004 at 8:38pm
Current mood: slightly annoyed, but amused too
Music: the pounding of the board
Subject: "You're just a really stupid girl!!"
The subject is from my new favorite song in the world. Which Heather made me listen to yesterday just because she knew I'd laugh at a certain part of it.... not gonna' even try to explain that one, hehehe. But yea. Fun stuff.

So we lost our last home game of the season. *looks down in shame* But we played hard, and it was just a "scrimmage" I guess so whatever. But it was sooo funny, before the game, in the Cedar View locker rooms, waiting out the semi-storm... lol. Wow. If you don't know what I'm talking about you are deprived. It was hilarious!!! Really really funny. But yea, I"m gonna' go now. Adios my friends.

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he he he love it, 05-13-04 6:40pm

i couldn't look at her today w/o picturing a locker and her...well... lol great times great times

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