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Butterfly (profile) wrote, on 5-13-2004 at 12:15am | |
Current mood: sleepy Music: Numb - Linkin Park Subject: These Days |
iv had nothing to do like at all lately, so iv been random journaling, and there are quite a few interesting people out there leading quite interesting lifes...wish i were one of them peoples *sighs* but no, i stay with my ass on the computer. lots and lots. but i enjoy my computer time. and my reading time. and my alone time. just basically anytime that i can block out the chaos that surrounds me, im happy. unless im pissed off, then im not happy. wow ok now im rambeling... NOW DO YOU SEE HOW BORED I AM!?!? anyways i have YET to send off my freaking money for my just going to go ahead and send kellys off too. *rolls eyes* guess he didnt find time to go send it off or something. i dont know whatever. he wouldnt let me because he wanted to so i didnt, but neither did he. screw that. im sending it off...yeah i know i know, i said i would LONG time ago....but i didnt. i dont care. anyways, since my ass is like numb from sitting here im going to go. plus, i didnt do my homework tonight. i got told to stay after in history. appereantly i have been "showing to much slack in [my] homework lately" well mr.reed can fuck off! good lord, we have ONE god damn week left of school, i can not wait till we get out, but then i dont want to get out at all. like all my friends are leaving me behind in this shitty ass town. so depressing *sighs* anyways, justin's leaving. my first love, or at least what i thought was love. i dont know now i have kelly, but justin and i are still really freaking close. like we talk about everything. hes the only one who knows about kelly and actually understands its amazing and so is he. lol he looks like EXACTLY like ashton kutcher. so hot...anyways. alright im getting yelled at by dad, seeing as how its a few after 11 i can kinda understand. hes been in a bad mood lately anyways. as have mom and ashley and taylor and trevor. psychos the whole lot of them i tell yall. alright well this was a pretty long update, but yeah IM ALL ALONE AND BORED so what do you expect? ~Rach~ |
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Valoth | 05-18-04 10:15pm there are quite a few interesting people out there leading quite interesting lifes...wish i were one of them peoples