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xvivaxlabamxfanx (profile) wrote,
on 5-13-2004 at 7:20am
Current mood: cynical
Music: was incubus.. now the whirling of the fan in the library
Subject: wtf.. i can never think of a damn subject...
omfg, yesterdaay at lunch was so fun.. me and brittany were flinging onions over at shannons table.. but then the shitty part.. beans got mixed in with the onions and hit the preps behind us (in front of if u were in my seat) and it got all over their white shirts.. so they blamed it on me and greg threw his bottle of water on me.. woohoo, wow its water.. i should have cried over it *sarcasim*.. but yea, so he got taken out right away and was suspended.. and then some how beans got over to shannons table and hit miranda.. so miranda comes over and starts flippin out on heather.. and they're just yellin back and forth so mr. mantsanka came over and told heather to go.. so i think she might have gotten suspended.. but then we had to tell mr. mantsanka every thing, so i told him that i was flinging onions over to shannons table as a joke and they knew it was a joke coz they were laughing with us but that i didnt throw the beans.. so he told me that if he saw me throwing anything again, ill get suspended..

and yea.. Mr. Beinkowski wasnt kiddin bout that detention.. so he told me i had to come yesterday or ill get written up.. so i told him i cant come and that i cant come untill next week.. so hes letting me come next week on tuesday.. and like i told my mom about this.. HA! lol.. i just told her im goin to the SEV which i AM goin to go after the detention like i did for that gym detention..

but yea.. so then this morning my mom starts flippin out on me just coz i asked where something was.. and omfg.. then 10 minutes later shes all nice to me and shit.. cant she make up her mind? being mad at me of being nice to me.. coz im fucking hateing it.. and its making me start hating her more even tho i already hate her and wish that pot head would fuckin die..

well whatev...
im out
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05-20-04 9:02am

well whAt i heard is

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