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xvivaxlabamxfanx (profile) wrote,
on 5-13-2004 at 1:50pm
Current mood: depressed
Music: damn it.. i picked the buzzing computer.. grr..
Subject: people..
yea.. i HATE ppl.. they get on my fucking nerves So0o0o much... i wish i could just kill them all.. my god..

allright.. everything was goin pretty good today till lunch time.. thats when all i did was mention to mellissa that tina had a gumby shirt on and that i liked it, so she tells tina her shirts cute and then looks away and i see tina give her this look.. and i kno tina was lookin at mellissa.. so i told melliss and shes like "no, she gave that look at you coz she dont like you" so i was like "yea, well i didnt mean to hit her with that shit yesterday and i told ppl that after they told me shes pissed at me" and then mel started flippin out! and we got into a little argument and she was like "well whatever i dont like you either" so i was like "good, that adds you to everyone else".. so then like a minute later shes like "oh, and whats this i hear your tellin people that you hang out with my brothers band and everything?" and im like "who heard that? when did i say that?!?" and shes like "thats what i heard" and she stopped it there. so 5 minutes later her and brittany are doin somethin and she does this really high pitched thing and i go "damn.." and shes like "dont talk to me" which i wasnt anyway, i was commenting on the high pitch.. and i was lookin at britt when i said it.. so later i hadnt taken my tray up yet and savannahs like "yo, would take ur tray up already? its startin to smell bad" and she was all gettin attitude with it so i was like "o, just for that, im gonna let it sit there for a few minutes" and then mellissa jumps in and is like "dont you get attitude with one of my friends!" so i just rolled my eyes and left it at that..
i need to talk to kevin about that whole comment about the band thing.. hopefully my grandmom will let me be on at like.. 9 o'clock.. if not, ill sneak on.. i can get on her computer quietly..
Julies not here so our 8th period is sucking.. thats why im in here in the library typing this.. and i guess i wont talk to her on the bus.. hopefully ill talk to jack.. hes cool, hopefully he dont start hating me.. that would suck.
well i think im gonna go..
life sucks.. and since no one will let me kill myself, i might as well kill everybody else..
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05-14-04 1:24am

haha yeah, u can kill yourself, i won't stop u. wait, can i do it?

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Re:, 05-14-04 7:18am

it depends who you are

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