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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 5-13-2004 at 8:35pm
Current mood: aggravated
Subject: rain is good, but running in the rain is better.
Yea so, today for practice we "ran" the whole time. Actually we ran/walked to Maynard's and then ate ice cream and signed the walls, seats, and whatever else we could. Then we ran/walked back to the school and went home. Good practice!! lol. Oh and coach is going to the Bahamas so we don't have practice tomorrow, monday or Tuesday. Wednesday we practice w/ JV and thursday we have a game. So we have to organize a practice ourselfs or die worse than we usually do. Joyful. Maybe we can get M-dawg(miranda) to come play a quick pick-up game w/ us. She and her friends like to do that. Besides, she said she missed playing ball w/ her freshmen! (that would be me! hehehe) So yea, fun stuff.

Michelle and Rueben are going out now... that's SO sweet!! awwww... lol. Sorry, but it is. They're so cute together. I'm soo happy for them!! *smiles*

Katie and Zac need to break up, like now. Ever since they've been going out nothing is normal or good. Zac and Jenny fight constantly, Katie and Jenny don't get along too well (for no good reason might I add), and Katie's just being an all around moron to everyone... especially me! She asks me for advice on everything and I always give it to her, I try to help her any way I can. And what thanks do I get for this? She takes out all her anger on me. She doesn't listen to what I say, if I need advice I can't go to her cuz all she cares about is her. Ugh, it bugs the crap out of me!!!! I just wanna' strangle her. But then I think about it and I realize that I do still love her. Even when she acts stupid. Sorry about the rant but I needed to get that out.

So this is for Heather. I love you too dear. No matter what happens in my day, once I talk to you it's better. I love that. Never once have you failed to make me happy. Especially when you "force" me to listen to hilarious songs and we have shoe fights. lol. So many memories I have from the past couple years have you in them. I love it. So thank you Heather. For everything. I love you.

I need sleep. A lot of sleep. But tomorrow's Friday and that is good, after Friday sleep is something I get quite often. hehe. Good weekend, good. I can't wait until the weekend. Hope nothing causes me to get up too early though. That'd suck bad!!

Okay so Ariana, Shelly, and I were going to go to club revolution this Saturday. Just because we've never been there and we all love to dance, so it sounded like fun. So we had the whole thing planned and all the sudden my father decides I can't go, and my mom agreed! They said I have to go to my "aunt's" birthday party. In reality she's not my aunt, actually she just some girl my grandpa dated for a while. I don't like her. She's kinda' dumb. But yea, I g2g now, talk to ya' later. Buh bye.

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05-14-04 2:52pm

lol yah...great times...great times. luv ya tons

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