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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 5-14-2004 at 9:51pm
Current mood: none of these moods describe mine! grr on that
Music: drill, TV, people talking, you get the picture...
Subject: Marshmellows are good.
I'm sitting here at the desk eating marshmellows. You probably guessed that cuz of the subject, but I decided to tell you anyway.

Today was the last day for the seniors. Their prank got screwed up by the stupid police. Dumbheads that they are. So all they did was stand outside in toga's screaming and banging on cars as they drove in. They wore the togas all day, well some of them. But yea, it's sad that they're leaving. I'm gonna' miss them. The ones I knew at least. They were pretty cool.

So yea, first day in forever that I have gotten to just go home after school. It was new. I didn't know what to do w/ myself. But Steph decided outa' nowhere that we "needed" to watch pirates of the carribean, so we did. 4th time I've watched it and it's still good. I still jump when the scaryish parts come. lol. I'm a dork, I know.

So the band concert thing is Sunday. I might have to drive. But I refuse to do so during the concert because the collage is the absolute only band concert I actually enjoy watching. I think I've gotta' set up tho... it's either that or help mi madre sell something, and I just don't do that. So yea.

Oh my gosh. Today at lunch, Sam sat in Zac's seat to talk to Jill. So Zac got mad outa' nowhere and he yells "get the h*** out of my seat" it was hilarious. It was stupid and mean of him, but it was funny how mad he got over such a little thing. Sam just sat there, she was like "I'm not gonna' move ya' know... might as well just pull up another seat". Greatly funny. But yea, thought I'd share that.

So today in Biology Allison was gone, cuz she's at Katie's graduation. So it was me and a bunch of guys. Caleb, Chad and I worked on our worksheets together. Tylor put his hand over my eyes so I couldn't see then had Caleb talk so I wouldn't know it was him. It was funny. Then Mike told me it was his birthday (still don't know I believe him) so I gave him a back rub. Because I promised him I would, since I gave Caleb one on his birthday. So yea, it was interesting.

Well I shall be off now. Nothing more to say. Love ya'll tons. Adios.

-Jeanie Bean-
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05-15-04 2:39pm

Gah... Zac gets pissed off way too easily. Even I, Justine, wouldn't get completely pissed over that like he did.

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05-15-04 2:49pm

i love that movie!! "bootstraps boostraps!" he he best part of the whole entire movie...bootstraps bootstraps.

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Re:, 05-15-04 4:40pm

Thats not the best part.. are u crazy heather lol Orlando Bloom just being in that movie makes it good.. and then because you got johnny depp that = awesome movie. lol but bootstrap's bootstraps was funny. hehe

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05-15-04 11:12pm

oh, so you give people backrubs for their birthday......
what did you get me for mine?

*goes in a corner and feels all alone*


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Re:, 05-16-04 8:42pm

ahh, but you aren't in my bio class now are you? see if you were, you'd have gotten a back rub. i still love you.

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