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CoLoMbiAzqT (profile) wrote,
on 5-15-2004 at 10:46am
Current mood: peaceful
Music: Dialated peoples feat. Kanye West - this way
Subject: Chlorophyll !
I woke up surprisingly early today. I kept waking up though before like at 7 blind eyes couldnt really see the clock so I had to get up closer to see the time and I see that it's like 7:30 and i'm like F that i'm going to sleep. The I woke up again at around 8-ish and again f that. So finally here I am. Last night was such a great night ! Well I was supose to go out with Amanda, Richie, and Jerry but some shit happened so that didn't happen. So Phillip wasn't doing anything and we were supose to see Mean Girls, so we invited Amanda to come and we went to Muvico to see it. It was soo funny, Phil had parked the car and the ass of the car was so out ! Great parking. So we saw the movie and I absouletly loved it [again]..and so did Amanda and Phillip. After that we went and stopped by Alex's house so I could pick up the New Jersey hat that he got me and my earring. Fonte was acting gay..kind of scared me a little bit. Oh yeah and before we entered Alex's community, we had to wait for the gate to open and stuff, Phil pressed the numbers and stuff and he just literrally hit the gas pedal and me and Amanda freaked out and screamed cause you gotta wait for the gate to open lol.. he scared the shit out of us. Aww I love that kid, he's moving to North Carolina in the summer =( We were all talking about it and it depressed us for about 5 minutes. But then it was all good..I sware being with Phil is like non-stop laughter. It's great. Well today I want to go rent Scary Movie 3 because I don't remmeber what happens in the movie cause it was so long ago that I saw it. Then later my father is coming and I think we're going to go eat. Ciao.
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J-Kiss, 05-15-04 8:59pm

my time is now n its gonna be up in a minute look a nigga in tha eye u can tell if he pretendin

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Xzibit, 05-15-04 9:02pm

If u so so def then ...

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