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allyson (profile) wrote,
on 1-16-2003 at 11:11am
Current mood: Content/Sad
Music: Christina Aguilera~Beautiful
Subject: I don't know... maybe I am confused~
Well, even though this isn't my private journal any more I am still going to write my private stuff in here cuz not a lot of people read mine anyways...
Here goes;
I like justin a lot but not being able to see him is making me really sad. I just wish my parents wouldn't hate every guy I like. It makes me soo mad. I just want to see him. That's that so hard to do? For me it is. My parents won't let me. I have my license but my parents want me going no place near Cedar Springs. Why can't they let me grow up? I think that they want me to stay their "little girl". I will always be but things will eventually change. I don't know... if there is anyway you can help me...think this through please help...
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01-16-03 9:32pm

thats why you stab them with an ice pick if they say "no" while holding them at gun point.

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Re:, 01-16-03 10:53pm

Let me at them, I busted down an oak door with little effort when i lost my temper...I'm sure they aren't near as solid as that...I promise i won't leave much to say no with

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Re: Re:, 01-17-03 10:48am

Sounds Real Good!!

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