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xvivaxlabamxfanx (profile) wrote,
on 5-16-2004 at 1:26am
Current mood: blank
Music: Fastball - The Way then Feild of Innocence - Evanessance
Subject: Van Helsing
ok, so we saw van helsing.. awesome effects!! lol we ran into steph, joe b., mike, and scott.. so we all sat together, steph had seen it a ton of times already.. but oh well.. so yea.. good movie.. found me some nice sunglasses, lmao

but yea, monday is the mohawk/"political-punk" day thing.. so yea.. look for me with my "free kok" sign!! lol
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Whee., 05-17-04 4:11am

Heh, yeah. Just dropping by to say thankyou for saying somthing in my GuestBook. You rock the casban.

Anyway, I wanted to see Van Hellsing.^.^; But no-one would go with me... So yeah...

I go now.


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