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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 5-16-2004 at 8:44pm
Current mood: indescribable
Subject: wow
Is it possible to hate and love someone with the depths of your soul?? Because I'm begining to think it's not only possible, but that I'm doing it. And it sucks, man does it suck.

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05-16-04 9:07pm

Hate and love are so very delicately intertwined. I heard a quote once that you reminded me of :
I hated him with a passion so deep, it almost felt like love.

Best of luck to you, my dear.

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05-17-04 3:40pm

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05-17-04 3:40pm

yes it is, and i hope things work out for ya.

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05-17-04 5:06pm

it is possible.......

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