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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 5-17-2004 at 11:30pm
Current mood: giggly
Music: Hello - Evanessence
Subject: Kelly (yay!)
Yay! Kelly and I havn't talked in for SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long, but I emailed him...and he emailed me back...and now I'm happy again! yay. lol anywho...funny how much a simple email brightens my night *blushes* lol bUt I do not care, I'm happy and everyone can just shove it if they aint happy with me.
"Take this job and shove it"
"I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying and crazy for loving you"
"Whiskey river take don't run dry"
"You're cheatin heart will tell on you"
"Cuz I'm King of the Road"
"I feel into a burning ring of fire went down down down as the flames went higher and burns burns burns that ring of fire that ring of fire"
"Delta Dawn whats that flower you have on"
"Stand by your man and show the world you love him"
"Countin' flowers on the wall that don't bother me at all playin solitaire at dawn with a deck of 51 smokin ciggeretts and a watchin captin' kangaroo now don't tell me I'v nothing to do"
"He stoped loving her today"
Ok, those are like some of my favorite old country songs like...ever. they aint the titles, but most of them have the titles in the lyrics. im bored as hell, but I gotta go take my shower still. lmfao I'll go sneak past mom and dad, moms sleepin on the couch and talking in her sleep...something bout jelly beans and the ocean *shrugs* and then dads asleep in the recliner. I swear they don't even use their freaking bed that they spent so much on. oh well. anywhores night!
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05-20-04 3:27pm

lol nice singing n ryhmin rach. also nice job on the little picture you added into your journal. ITs not bad.

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