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xvivaxlabamxfanx (profile) wrote,
on 5-17-2004 at 1:32pm
Current mood: amused
Music: Less Than Jake - Soundcheck
Subject: FREE KOK!!
so yea.. we did the whole "Free Kok" thing.. we were all told to take em off and me and 4 other ppl refused to take them off, so Mr. Stan was like "allright, this is ur last chance, either take them off or go upstairs" he told me and jimmy, so me and jimmy stand up and head upstairs.. then three more came behind us, and they told us that we all got applause... heh ^_^ so then we all went to the office.. and well, got suspended.. so i wont be back in school till wed. and i had my detention to serve tomorrow.. o0o well.. hopefully if my moms not too bitchy, she'll let me walk up to the SEV tomorrow and i can see everyone after school. but yea.. i got suspended.. i guess theres a first for everything!! lol
im out
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kok?, 05-19-04 12:04am

what does kok mean?

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Re: kok?, 05-19-04 2:09pm

kok is a boys last name.. im gonna put up as my next entry the news paper article on it.

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