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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 5-17-2004 at 4:09pm
Current mood: content
Music: Steph and Ellie playing their flutes... or pics... or something
Subject: I hated him with a passion so deep, it almost felt like love.
Stupid Tyler! He tried to break my gelly bracelet today!! I love that thing. Then he stole it and stretched it all out and wore it as an anklet. He's so dumb! Funny, but dumb. Yea, biology was interesting today, to say the least. It normally is though, so I don't know why that's such a surprise. Oh well.

I don't wanna be here. I'm home. I don't like home. It's better than practice. But it's no fun. Stephy and Ellie are playing their pics and it's gay. They're soooo annoying. UGH! Die. Sorry that was my freak out session for the day. Forgive me. But yea, I want to go somewhere far, far away. But I need a friend to come with so that I'm not all alone. hehe. Yes as independent as I am, I still hate being alone in a totally unfamiliar place. Meh.

I am SO BORED!!! Gosh. There's nothing to do at all. And Adam's not home so I can't just call him and tell him to come play with me. (yes I do do that. lol.) Oy, this is dumb.

lalalalalalalala. Okay I'm gonna' leave now. As bored as I am you must be that times 10! I would be if I were you.

Love ya' mucho mucho mucho. Rock on dears.


Are you gone yet??

Why are you still reading this????

Go away!!!

Fine, stay, but if you're not gonna' leave I am... so there.

I'm leaving

at the door

opening it

I'm out

Closing the door.....


*walks away*
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05-17-04 8:16pm


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hehe, a joke for you.., 05-17-04 8:20pm

How do you keep two piccolo's in tune?

Shoot one

I'm sorry, i understand how painful it is!

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