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shiznit05 (profile) wrote,
on 5-17-2004 at 11:08pm
Current mood: ugh
ive gone back into the habit of falling asleep when i get home, i dont like it when i do that, because it results in me not going to bed until well past midnight and then waking up at doesnt work

school was a was nothing special, pops concert will be decent except for freckles, freckles is dumb, but wizard is awesome, and the movement of danceries we're playing is actually a good one, and the boroque song is really cool to listen to, but we dont play the cool parts so its a slight let down...

math test will be my death, i still cant get certain formulas to pop out at me, so we'll see...but that class is again a waste...its so bland

spanish...well lets put it this way, i dont care about subjentives...or weddings

study hall...biggest waste of time ever..its starting to bore me

chemistry, i dont get it, megan had to explain it to me in the lunch line and it finally was a lecture today that in the first 5 minutes drove me to sleep, then people got up and moved around which stirred my interest, ian spinning on a table is quite the sight

AS...we did work today on the's coming together, but everyone is getting tense about it, so nothing is easy going in that class, normally i can make things light with jokes...not now

track...ugh, coach wasnt there and it had started to rain, so we were inside, we lifted a little, nothing too hard, but something productive, the boys trained with the medicine ball, i didnt join them because they were throwing it a lot harder than i would ever be able to, and i didnt want tog et in the way, so vannett and i did a lot of abs, it was fun, and we found chalk, so we'll see how that works out for us. coach came back and gave us our schedules for districts...last flight last thrower for shot, and last flight second thrower for disc...chances of me making finals for either...slim to none :(

i can't decide if i want track to be over yet or not. is it bad that i feel like an outsider while im there? i cant talk to emgan or kelly because they're off running, vannett i can talk to for short periods of time before my eyes start to cross, stacie's not bad but again with the eye crossing, ian adam and bob seem to make it a point to seperate themselves from the group...i dont know, i used to think i could talk to those guys now i just feel incredibly inferior and dont even want to test it anymore, all this plus the fact im failing at disc horribly isnt helping the whole self esteem...but i like track, because its something to do everyday, and i really do enjoy throwing when everyone is getting along and theres no pressure...unfortunately this week is full of pressure...i just dont know anymore

remember when we had girls nights? its been awhile...

remember when we all actually hung out? yea, its also been awhile for that

change is bad, everything has taken a 180 lately, and everytime i try to bring it up it gets shot down, so im sitting here in my turmoil and that cant be good for my mental state

i talked to my parents about cincinnati..i think they're finally getting comfortable with the idea of me going away to college :)

relay is this weekend, and because of me not making it to finals probably i'll be able to get there by 8! :) that makes me extremely happy

ive rambled enough

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05-18-04 10:49am


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05-18-04 4:58pm

Amen for girls night!

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