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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 5-18-2004 at 5:05pm
Current mood: sleepy, yet excited
Music: yea...
Subject: i can drive i can drive i can drive... provided that there is a licensed adult over the age of 21 in the car. hehe
Yea I got my permit today. Can ya' tell? hehe. Half days rock. I did nothing in 1st hour, pretended I was done w/ my essay and went to the media center w/ Justine and Katie during 2nd hour, and had that awards thingy during 3rd hour. Grand!! Then we went out to lunch at Trini's I love that place!!!!! Then we got donuts!!! yay! lol. It was fun. I got to drive from the Greenville Mijer to my grandma's apartment in Sparta and back to my house. But the whole time Steph was making comments in the back seat. I was about ready to smack her. Lordy she's annoying sometimes.

I wanna' go play tennis now. I really do. It sounds like fun! Can't though... cuz I doubt anyone will want to play with me. That's sad.
:( Oh well, I shall occupy myself w/ something else. We have to practice w/ the JV tomorrow, it's the first practice in 5 days... so we'll probably suck!! Like, worse than usual. Meh, that's dumb.

Stephy is so making me mad today. I don't think she gets the whole I-was-mad-this-morning-anyway-so-ya-better-not-test-me thing. Ugh. I could choke her. I'm so tired... and it's all her fault that I'm tired... and when I'm tired I'm grumpy in the mornings. Today has been a constant morning basically, I have no sense of what time it is because we got out of school early. So yea, it's gay.

Okay question... is it really hard to pronounce my last name?? really?? Cuz for pilar it seems to be incredibly difficult for no aparent reason. Grr on him. We should hold a revolt against him. Just because he's dumb. Not like any teachers would stop us... they hate him too!!!! oy vay, he's dumb.

Well that was my little vent session for the day. I'd continue but I don't want to deeply annoy you all. Just slightly annoy you. hehe. So I shall speak w/ you all on a later date. Adios mi amigas y amigos. Rock your little selves on.

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05-18-04 6:44pm

yeah really it's like ... ow...De+F+ow. lol. yeah but think of my last name and how many people murder that one. yeah it's sad. i'll play tennis w/ ya anytime mi amiga~!!

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05-18-04 7:16pm

Don't even get me started, Pilar is such a dumbass.

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05-18-04 11:07pm

GO JACQUI!!!! i was so excited when i got mine....and i couldnt even drive home cuz the weather was so bad..heh but now i dont even today i was sleepin and my darling father came into my room just to have me move katies dunno..whatever but awesome job on everything dear..and id play tennis with ya not good at all but id play..

crazy love,

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