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CoLoMbiAzqT (profile) wrote,
on 5-20-2004 at 8:23pm
Current mood: aggravated
Music: Lil flip - game over
Subject: Here it goes again
-Today was an exceptionally good day.

-Corey and I had a quarrel last night, didn't end good.

-Corey was on the morning announcements and apologized to me on the t.v...can't stay too mad at someone when they do something sweet like that.

-Started bleeding from my belly pericing again.

-Got pissed off again ONCE never stops.

-Some people can be just so closed-minded and judgemental.

-Cristian got suspended for 5 days for GAMBLING !

-Amanda you so messed up with the FUB's today lol

-I'm going to miss lunch with Nicole.

-Only one more week of school.

-I want to rip off my arm and throw it at someone.
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05-22-04 11:28am

I <3 Andrea Molineros

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