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CoLoMbiAzqT (profile) wrote,
on 5-22-2004 at 8:14pm
Current mood: devious
Music: Hoobastank - the reason
Subject: "I c a n ' t l i v e m y l i f e t h i s w a y "
-I plan to do my journal this way when I am lazy.

-Yesterday hung out with Phillip, went to Muvico to see Shrek 2 but was sold out..bummer.

-Went to the beach today with mighty black.

-Wanted to do something tonight but the Moms isn't letting me.

-Can't wait for next year at OH to see Nick-o-lus everyday.

-Alex stop calling me from a "private number".

-Was on the phone last night till 5 in the morning, thank you Michael, i offically died of sleep on the car ride home from the beach :-)
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05-23-04 12:38pm

u lazy bitch but id still hit it lol

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