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playachika (profile) wrote,
on 5-23-2004 at 9:17am
Current mood: lazy
Music: my sisters music

Hey... i realized that im

I don't know why...

If i could start a story, id write it like this...

For some reason i feel so.. Blah and tired.. Michael work me up this morning. He is at a baseball game for AAU i think. Im so0o sleepy...
I hope everyone lieks the journal. It's just for all of you who call me a whore. i might as well go with it now. Im sick of trying to ignore your comments.. It eventually does get to you... i don't know. Maybe i am one? maybe im not? who cares if i am.. i mean its my life and i can do what i want with it right? Ive been told countless time to "get out of fmhs, no one likes you" and that "you have no friends". It may be true.. but michael ISNT going out with me for sex because he would have broken up with me already if thats all he was after since im not giving in. I have yet to do less than anything with him.. I mean sure we haveour things but nothing real sexual... where people got ima whore, i dont kno.
Here, im going to propose a question for all of you.
If you can NAME 5 guys i have had sex with, I will tell everyone im a whore.
and if you cant, then keep your mouth shut...
im sorry but this has been bothering me for a while now. And my mom said to ask that question, who have i slept with if im such a whore. I bet you ANY money no one can do that.
Start trying

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05-23-04 10:55am

Sweetheart! Don't let them bother you. This summer, hopefully this week we are having a gal's night out, in celebration of leaving all those DICKS behind. No one deserves to feel like shit. You such a great friend.

Much Love,
*Birthday Buddy*

P.S.- I'm on my buddy like boy's name. Lol.

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Re:, 05-23-04 1:45pm

good question babie, but ya know people are gunna make shit up, just ingore everything the best ya cxan and screw what anyone says,
<3333 The Eagle

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Re: Re:, 05-23-04 6:21pm

make shit up? Lauren had got drunk and had sex ! and who else video tapes themselves fingering themself and sends naked pictures to people?shes a dirty whore and now at least she knows it now.

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Re: Re: Re:, 05-23-04 7:05pm

i have not commented to someone in a long time.. but please, re-read the entry... about when peopel call me a whore. START NAMING BITCH!

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Re: Re: Re:, 05-23-04 7:40pm

Ewwwww....nastay!!! sounds like a dirrrrty girl to mee!!! right on

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05-23-04 7:53pm

All of you guys are fucking stupid - if you would STOP commenting she would eventually STOP writting shit about you.. are you stupid? do we need to write it in english? your rude comments about how she is a whore are only feuling the fire. its so obvious and this is very first grade-like. grow up. leave her be. and the whole whore thing is lame because there are WAYYY bigger whores - if you haven't looked around fmhs. she is like nothing compared to them you just pick on her. im not justifying her rude things on this journal but im trying to make all of you see the damn light - this is highschool , people are whores sometimes , no big deal. let them be. leave her to herself and half this shit wont happen..
damn drama whores.


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Re:, 05-23-04 10:21pm

uh hello?!?! shes the one who has whore written all over the background of this journal !!! and shes the one acting like a pussy and going to administration

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Re: Re:, 05-24-04 11:02pm

excuse me deary, but i didnt go down. a teacher did because she was aware of what was happeneing.
but yeah i might be a pussy but kiss my ass hunnie because if yah keep it up, i will find out who you are, and i will turn your ass in!

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05-28-04 1:27am

let me list them in order:
2.alex c
3.greg-who has a gf

i kno thats not 5 but ur fucking 15 years old thats enough! u fucking pussy ass whoreeeee!!!!!! leave jenna alone!

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Re:, 05-28-04 11:40am

keeeeeeeeeeepa namin! hi janna!
wyatt? no

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