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Butterfly (profile) wrote, on 5-23-2004 at 12:44pm | |
Current mood: ditzy Music: King of the Road - Roger Miller |
lmfao ok the youth group classroom is down in the basement, and there's a Bunch of stairs to go down, so this morning on my way down there, being my gracefull self of course, I manage to fall down the last like maybe 10-15 stairs. lmfao my skirt flys up around my waist my shoe flys over and almost hits just funny. I twisted my ankle, but it's not too bad, and it Was slightly embarrassing, but they all know me to be a clutz so I didn't mind so much. anywhos, lunch is ready and we gotta hurry up and eat because we have to go to Julie's graduation. lol we get to watch Brooklynn while Julie's doing her thing. yay! I'm a still her from Ashley and Grandma mwahahaha! Rachel |
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whispers-to-a-scream | 05-24-04 6:39pm ~Your added.
Butterfly | Re:, 05-26-04 1:07am oh your a clutz too?!? hmm I'm not alone in this world no more nope nope. lol thanks for adding me