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allyson (profile) wrote,
on 1-17-2003 at 10:45am
Current mood: Content
Music: Lifehouse~Spin
Subject: Parents Just don't understand...
Well, I hate my parents and they are jerks.... they wont let me have any fun it's not like I am going to go off and fuck every guy I meet....
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*sigh*, 01-17-03 10:55am

Yer parents are just afraid to let go of the little girl that you were, they arent ready to face the woman that you are becoming. But its a load of shit that you are basically under restriction. Give it sometime, they should come around eventually, until then you just gotta keep leaving out minor details of were you go and whatnot.. We are just lucky that my pa didnt say where we were.. My parents... well they are a whole nother story. My ma lets me get away with a lot of crap becuz she is barely here, and she too stuck in jims ass, and my pa lets me get away with basically everything, he'd let me get away with murder, but only if it was jim i killed, he does it becuz he wants me to love him more than my ma, and he likes to piss my ma off, thats why i have so many piercings. Well yeah im like changing the subject and rambling on an on and on.. So latas!~

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Re: *sigh*, 01-17-03 11:38am

That's exactly what I fear... it's going to take them a long time to trust me and I don't want to wait that long. I want to be able to go places and see people. Thanks for the info and I really like that you are here to help me when I need it.

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Re: Re: *sigh*, 01-17-03 11:40am

You know that im always gonna be here for you. If you ever need a place to go, ive got extra beds.. I love you ally, dont forget that, and i dont want anything to happen to you bc you are one of my best friends.

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Re: Re: Re: *sigh*, 01-17-03 12:19pm

I know and thank you for that... I love you too.

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