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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 5-25-2004 at 8:31pm
Current mood: pained
Music: Bloopers Show
Subject: No, I didn't die! hehe.
I haven't updated in a while. That's mostly due to the fact, that my call wave doesn't work and my parentals don't like having people online when it doesn't work.

I do believe that I have had the crapiest day of the year today. Biology made me want to die, if you don't know why please don't ask because I really don't wanna' talk about it. It sucked. But anyway, after that when I was on the softball bus Lauren for some freakish reason decieded to throw a glove at me and it hit me in the face. That was grand. Then I didn't pitch too well, not totally horrible, but not good enough for me. We got merceyed. then I was catching for Krystal since both our catchers were gone, and I can... kinda'... and somehow I screwed my thumb up. It's swolenish... but mostly it just hurts. The trainer guy said I sprained a ligament or something, and I should be able to play Thursday. I better, it's our last game. I don't care how bad I kill myself in that game, as long as I get to take part in killing Sparta, bad. lol. Yea I'm a dork. But I can deal with it.

Okay to end with I'd like to say that I totally agree with Heather's latest entry. If you disagree, I'm sorry, but there's no reason to be affended by it. As long as you're not one of those morons who jumb out of the way when a ball comes near them. That's just dumb, so get the heck over it. I'm really not in the mood to care what you people think about it. Gosh that annoys the crap out of me. Sorry, had to get that out of my system.

Well I'll talk to you all later. Much love dears.

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thanks, 05-26-04 5:16pm

jacqui.....LOOK LIKE A SEATBELT!!! *looks like a seatbelt* oh and encouraging jacq wow. that was terrifying

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Re: thanks, 05-29-04 7:24pm

yea yea, blame the one who was joking! lol. besides, ya' did better than everyone else. everybody was off man. like a lot. oh and the seatbelt loves you!!! lol.
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