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Butterfly (profile) wrote, on 5-26-2004 at 12:37am | |
Current mood: lethargic Music: It's Gonna be Love - Mandy Moore |
I didn't talk to anyone today. well ok I just got done talking to Doug, but we only talked for like 10 minutes because apparently he has some band audition tomorrow and he's going to sleep. Kelly signed on, but he never said anything, and I'm not supposed to message him first becaus his msn signes him in automatically and I don't exactly want to say something...not sexual ; ) him and it be his father. That would be rather awkward. Anyways, it was probably some one other then him. Ashley went to prom with this Andrew guy, and yes, I did threaten him...but they've not stopped talking on the phone since then. He calls like 2-3 times a week, and they talk way into the wee hours (which always makes her bitchy the next day of course) and they're talking right now, but our cordless phone quit working for some reason, and so she had to use the one with the cord in the kitchen, and she stole the computer chair and so now I'm using the uncomfortable kitchen chairs, which, though they are pretty, hurt my ass. majorly. not a good thing to hurt my ass. it shall pay later when my use for it is over. I was doing dishes by hand (moms psychotic and decided I needed to do them by hand this summer instead of using the brand new dishwasher we bought...yeah. I guess to save gas or something since it's so high anymore) and I was like shakey for somereason and I ended up breaking 2 cups, 2 plates and like 4 bowls. lmfao we're going to have to keep buying more dishes if I keep this up. anyways, I didn't mean to, I was crying and frankly, mom didn't get mad at me, she just told me to be more careful, and that I'll need to do better at it for when I get married. Ha. I will so be the proud owner of a WonderFul dishwasher when I'm married thank you very much mother. Pshh don't know what she was thinking saying that. Lately I have been like addicted to A Walk To Remember. I watch it at least twice every day. usually once in the morning and then late at night. lol that's how Ash managed to swipe the computer chair, I was in my room watching it, though it was the 3 time I've watched it today, watched it twice in a row tonight and then in the afternoon during lunch I watched it. Truely and great movie, though I bawl my eyes out Every Single Time I watch it. Guess I feel like crying lately or something. Kelly and I talked on microphone Monday night. I talk to loud in the mic though *blushes* I have a loud voice and I can't help it lol. His voice is soooo sexy *giggles* ahh that's something to dream about right there I tell you. Ahh do I love that man. Alright, I think I'm done with this update, I'm off to play pool. I'm so addicted to pool now, I didn't even know how to play it, but at school Caleb was playing it in Business, and...yeah, I got caught on it. lol I can't really play though, when I have the actual stick thingy in my hand. Once, we all went to this bowling ally thing, and there were no lanes open, so we decided to, of course, play pool, and when I hit that one ball that you're supposed to hit to hit the other balls (yeah I told yall I don't know nothing about the game) I hit it to hard and it flew off the table thing and hit this old guy in the back of the leg and dead legged him, which yeah almost made him fall. lmfao I felt so horrible and of course all my friends wouldn't leave me alone about it, and from time to time yeah they still remind me of it. It's all good though, it was funny I suppose...anyways, g'bye for now Rachel |
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Valoth | 05-27-04 6:17pm Geeez! first you stop writing on here for a few days then BOOM! its 4 posts lol! im gonna be reading this for a good 10minutes lol. |
Butterfly | Re:, 05-27-04 8:30pm lol what can i say iv not got a life during the summer, im free to write till my hearts content