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tboblp (profile) wrote,
on 1-17-2003 at 9:46pm
Music: rolling stones - sympathy for the devil
ive been listening to too much classic rock lately...anyhow this announcement will nto help it: KISS and Aerosmith will be touring later this year! I must go! This will be Aerosmith's 3 tour in 2 years, they need to slow down
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Dave on sister's PC, 01-17-03 11:55pm

Meh, 3 tours in 2 years is nothing if you consider the fact that they've been dead since the end of the Cold War. Man, gotta love voodoo...

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01-18-03 11:20am

**gasp** are you serious? KISS and aerosmith together? dude! are they coming down to fl?

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01-18-03 4:37pm

i knew kiss's "farewell" tour a few years back was bullshit. just add the rolling stones to the bill and call it the "tour of the living dead"

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01-19-03 9:16pm

lol Rose, im nto sure if they're coming to S. FL yet they dont have dates posted. Eric Johnson rocks!

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