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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 5-29-2004 at 7:04pm
Current mood: happy
Music: The Way I Feel
Subject: Look like a seatbelt!!!
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Yes, that is how you look like a seatbelt. lol. Don't ask.

So I've had a lot to think about lately. And I mean a LOT. I like it. Give's me something to do, ya' know?? But yea, it's been interesting. Only 1 more lunch, only 2 more of each class. This time next week I will be considered a sophmore. Weird. I'm enjoying the whole freshmen thing... must I grow up?? Can't we just all stay here, I like it here. But change is good right?? Sophmore year can't be that different... can it? I'm really not that worried about it. What I'm worried about is that it's Steph's senior year next year. Wow, that's crazy. To me she's still young, like my age. I get older, she doesn't. That's how I feel about everyone. They can't get older, it doesn't work that way. But it does. And I don't like it at all. I have so many friends who are gonna' graduate next year, it's just sad. *sniffle* All my juniors are leaving!! *sobs openly* J/K It won't be that bad. Besides, this'll just help me live it up more next year with those people.

Softball is over. Done. Fanito. Finished. Gone. I think you get the picture. Sucky last game. But after it we went to Trini's and I saw Eric. I LOVE Eric. Some of you probably know him. He graduated two years ago. He is so incredibly hot. lol. But that's not why I love him. I love him because our mom's were really good friends when we were younger and he was always over at our house. We both had older sisters so we bonded. He had a crush on Steph. No one seemed to notice that but me, but he so did. It was totally obvious. Funny even. hehe. But yea, we hadn't seen each other in forever because they moved a few years ago and when they moved back my family no longer went to the same church as them. So sad. So yea, it was great grand joyfulness.

Lauren came over again today since her dad was helping with the garage. We played softball a bit and then we went to the school and played tennis w/ her mom and brother. Great fun I tell ya'. I'm obsessed w/ tennis. It's a passion now. So yea, joyful.

Well that's about it for me catching ya' up on my lovely week. Party on people. Love ya' mucho. Rock on.

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05-30-04 1:13pm

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he he he love it

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