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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 5-29-2004 at 8:19pm
Current mood: personish
Music: Breath
Subject: I'm a girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
so this entry is mostly for allie.

ya' know what we talked about in biology thursday. about what *he* told you and stuff. i keep thinking about it. it's annoying. so yea, why'd he tell you that?? did you tell him what i said?? cuz i guess you can it doesn't matter. but you're right. i couldn't handle it. i can barely handle him now! lol. so yea, just thought i'd mention that. oh and we'll talk more one on one. not a whole ton i can say in a journal that people other than you read. so yea. adios, love ya' tons, buh bye.

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05-29-04 10:41pm

well darling i hope u figure it all out...cuz i thought for a while that i liked him...but then that drove ME dont feel bad..and i realized i couldnt change him and just stop him doing what he does...u know? lol ill talk to ya later..
love tons

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Re:, 06-01-04 8:02pm

oookay. so what now? now we know he's not like, a druggie or whatever. lordy, that boy. lol. i just don't understand where it came from. and does he honestly expect me to like him back after "the incident" w/ stephane?? oy, i am confused. much love chicita

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06-03-04 7:06pm

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Re: Re:, 06-03-04 7:06pm

i dont think he saw that as something as mean as it was...i dunno..maybe he does...would he even break up with her for u? (no offense or anything at all!!) and even then is he gonna go out with someone whos friends with her? keep thinkin jay..ull get it!!
love tons and tons,

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