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squishylover (profile) wrote, on 5-30-2004 at 12:10am | |
Current mood: sleepy Music: .. Subject: Slee...zzzz |
B*A*M: i'll never drive crazy and fast like ive been doing So I now have this documented, so if he does do it again I can show him this. I put the lil' star things to keep his s.n under strict confidence...even though in past entries his s.n is on there. |
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loserxdork | 05-30-04 8:52am fast and crazy is bad and scary....
Anonymous | Dig'em is a crazy mofo, 05-31-04 6:31pm Yeah That sounds like dig'em, and I know he does. after meeting face to glass on his backwind shield. Well You keep him in line Chasmin.