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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 5-31-2004 at 9:25pm
current clothing:Shorts and a tee-shirt
current mood:stressed
current taste:grapes
current hair:Down and Straight
current annoyance:that everything has to be so damn confusing
current smell:grapes
current thing you ought to be doing:studying for biology
current jewelry:Shell necklace, and watch.
current book:Gossip girl
current refreshment:Water
current worry:If things will ever just be okay.
current crush:Dan
current favorite celebrity:Kenny Chesney
current longing:to just talk to you
current music:Hoobastank-The reason, I'm really getting sick of this song
current wish:That you would just call
current lyric in your head:"Let's start this over, it's not like we're dead. Was it something you did, was it something I said?"
current makeup (if you're a girl!):none, unless you consider chap stick make up?
current undergarments:the usual lol
current regret:letting you hate me
current desktop picture:picture of me jess and andy
current plans for tonight/weekend:tonight-sleep, this weekend-leave
current cuss word du jour:fuck
current disappointment:that I let you and myself down
current amusement:kevin
current IM/person you're talking to:kevin and kevin, ha how cute
current love:pepper
current obsession:downloading music
current avoidance:talking to you, may cause you to hate me more
current thing or things on your wall:awards, pictures, posters of kenny chesney, and umm..stars
current favorite book:a walk to remember
current favorite movie:a walk to remember

currents!@*&!*@&^& brought to you by BZOINK!

You Die....
If you go to Heavan, What does God say to You?:I guess I'll have to tell you when I find out.
If not, What does the Devil say?:I hope I'll never know.
How Did you Die?:umm what?
Who gave your eulegy?:Jess
Buried, Cremated, or shipped off to sea?:I really dont care, it's just a dead body.
Random Thoughts....
Love someone and Never be Loved? Or be Loved, and never Love someone?:love someone and never be loved
Hatefully remembered? Or Forgotten?:forgotten
Blind of Deaf? Why?:blind, because then I would prob. fall in love easier and I could still hear music
Lose a Limb....(what is it?):i dunno
Date an actor or an artist? Why?:artist, because how would you know if the actor was just acting with you or not?
More Important....
Loyalty or Respect?:loyalty
Passion or Attraction?:passion
Great Sex, or Great Dates?:great dates
Do you believe in Passion?:yes
In Yourself?:yes

Death and Random brought to you by BZOINK!

what make is your computer?:dell something
what color is your computer?:white
do you have a scanner?:yes camera?:yes burner?:yes
how fast is your internet connection?:slow
do you have dial-up, cable, etc.?:dial up
how much RAM do you have?:I dunno
what browser do you use?:huh
do you download mp3s? from where?:yes, winapmx
how much of your memory is currently used up?:a lot
do you have a ZIP drive?:i dunno
how many CD-ROMS do you have installed?:ehh...?
how many hard drives do you have?:um what?
what year did you first get online?:probably like 1998-19887
what site is the first site you ever remember visiting?:who the hell do i know, prob. hotmail
do you have a website? where?:no, but I love woohu ;)

Computer Survey brought to you by BZOINK!

Which One?
peanut butter or jelly?:peanut butter
coke or pepsi?:pepsi
walnuts or peanuts?:peanus
rain or snow?:rain
kiss or hug?:kiss
aol or msn?:msn
rap or rock?:rap
school or work?:work
turkey or chicken?:turkey
stuffing or cranberry sauce?:stuffing
sierra mist or sprite?:sierra mist
Britney or chistina?:Christina
ja rule or ludacris?:Ludacris
Boys or girls?:boys
Ashton Or Bam?:Ashton
Steveo or Johnny?:Steveo
Jackass or Wild Boys?:Jackass
radio or tv?:tv
socks or shoes?:socks
shorts or pants?:shorts
jeans or sweats?:jeans
black or blue?:blue
pink or red?:red
yellow or green?:green
rings or bracelets:bracelets
hair Up or down?:down
short or long?(hair):long
dark or light?:light
freezing or hott?:hott

brunettebaby77's Untitled brought to you by BZOINK!

I really need to stop doing survey’s.
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05-31-04 9:51pm

peanus? sounds like penis!

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