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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 6-1-2004 at 8:11pm
Current mood: meh
Music: keys, the ones i'm hitting with each character i type
Subject: 67 minutes!!
No, not 67 minutes until anything. Just 67 minutes. Only Allie will understand. hehehe.

Well I'm one confused little chica. Lots of things to think about. Lots of things I don't know what to do about. Lots of things I'm not sure about. It's just grand. *rolls eyes* Well at least I don't have to go to la clase de biologia until Thursday... and then never again. YAY. Or is that bad?? I'm not sure. Agh. Boys are stupid. Jeeeezzzz. And he told Allie to tell him what I said about him. Which isn't much, cuz I just don't know. Wow, that's all just nutz.

So yea, tennis today! I'm SO mega happy!! I love tennis, it relives all stress. Today Jenny and I were serving to Heather and I hit it really really hard. Course it was long... but it was still hard. lol. Jenny thought I was mad or something. hehe. But I wasn't... just wanted to hit it that hard. It felt darn good. lol.

2 more half days and we're free. But I kinda' wanna' stay. I don't like not seeing people. Although I'll see them at softball parties, and maybe Jenny's going away party. But still. It's sad. I love you all. I'll miss you deeply!!!!

La di da di da. Jacqui's bored. Immensly. I love that word, hehe. It's cool. I'm sooooo bored. goodness. I need to DO something. sheesh.

I'm excited, tomorrow Stephy and I are going out to lunch, then I have tennis, that I might skip, and Thursday is Katie William's birthday party... which shall be grand. And Sunday is Amanda's party, and then the 11th is Ariana's and the 15th is Brad's. It's great!!! You guys probably don't know Brad, he's my step-cousin. He's hot... but yea, he's my cousin. lol. He's fun though, he's in 8th grade but he'll be 15 in November... so yea, not too big an age difference. I love him.

Well I shall stop boring you, not that a ton of you actually took the time to read the whole thing... but for those that did rock on. Love ya'll much.

-Jay Bean-
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06-01-04 8:41pm

- -
O yeah i didn't know jenny was having a going away party. Gah i'm the last one to know everything!!
- - look like a O seatbelt

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Re:, 06-02-04 12:19pm

yea, actually, i didn't know for a while, and katie didn't until today... so don't feel bad my dear! lol. your brother and i are having a conversation via your woohu. ain't it grand?? lol.

look like a seatbelt!!
- -

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