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heartsbroken (profile) wrote,
on 6-2-2004 at 8:05pm
Music: coo coo chee
*Coo coo coo coo coo chee *
*I love being a woman *
*Coo coo coo coo coo chee *
*I wanna be your woman *
*Coo coo chee *
*Ooh too bad can't have none *
*Chicken on the run *


Thrombocytopenia is a disorder in which the number of platelets (a type of blood cell) is abnormally low, sometimes associated with abnormal bleeding. Platelets are cells in the blood that help blood to clot. Thrombocytopenia refers to any disorder in which there are not enough platelets.

**There are many causes of low platelets. The most common is failure of production of the platelets in the bone marrow, either due to viral infections or certain drugs.

Other causes of persistent low platelets are HIV, malaria, and some diseases such as SLE, and certain other diseases in which problems with the immune system cause the body to make antibodies which destroy its own platelets.


<3 micherz <3
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06-03-04 11:10pm better be ok!

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Re:, 06-04-04 11:39am

HAHAAHHA I HAVE HIV!!!! j/k i dont now what wrong with me and how bad it is till i go see the hemotologist... i read this thing that drinking lots of alcohol for a long period of time would do that... but i dont drink THAT MUCH to do that... plus it said for over a couple years...i havent been drinkin THAT LONG lol sooo... IDK!!!

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