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tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 1-18-2003 at 2:52pm
well, last night, I finally decide that I needed to just say everything, so I did. I lost respect for people, I'm losing respect for people as we speak. I just wish things could be the way they were all freshmen year, nobody really hated anybody, except for people that everyone just completely hated, I knew my place, and I had a big group of friends that I would hang out with every weekend. What happened to them? girlfriends....
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01-18-03 5:13pm

kevin cuppett?


no, wait.

oh well. we love him anyway.

you still have friends. don't think they're all gone, because they're not.

but you do have a tendency to abuse the ones you have.

so, yeah. if people ditch on you, i can see why. some people expect more from you than i do. but i still love you man.

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01-19-03 1:49am

You cant just blam this on me or just on jessica, because you also play a part or didnt you think about that? Or is nothing you falt? is it alway some elses.

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Re:, 01-19-03 10:00am

what the fuck!!!?? There's no fucking way it's my fault this time, I can't stop you from going whereever you go. And there's no fucking way your turning this on me, because you can't, it's not me, it's you, I'm tired of me trying to pull something on you and you either just walk away or act like I'm being retarded.

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Re: Re:, 01-19-03 12:52pm

Weather you want to belive it or not you have also changed a lot too, only one time do i rember you trying to do something with me and i turned you down. You say there is no way i can put part of this on you well geuss what i just did. And i dont act like you are retarted because 75% of the time you are. Maybe some time you should think of other people insteed of your self. you get more bees with honey dont forget that

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Re: Re: Re:, 01-19-03 6:57pm

ALright, maybe I should calm down, but don't give me this reprocussion bullshit, This isn't about me, this about how your losing a friend over a girl. And the only reason I'm retarded is because of you. But good to know you think I'm retarded. You've ditched me more than once. I just haven't tried in a long time, You can even ask dusty , many times you've said you wanted to practice, but you end up going to jessicas house,note many times. You bitch to me about how upset you are when you don't get to see her for a fucking week. She controls you. THink twice before coming up with this it's my fault your ditching me. Girls come and go, but best friends last forever. so fuck you!!

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Re: Re: Re:, 01-19-03 7:12pm

oh, and by the way, why is that you say that I'm supposed to take some blame, and yet your not saying that any of it is your fault

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 01-20-03 7:17pm

Maybe you don't realise how unbelievably retarded you do act sometimes. And what in the hell was up w/ you not telling me what really happened, you try calling me for what, so I'd take your side? You never said anything about this whole little thing when you talked to me at lunch today...NO, all you tried saying was Robby was mad at me for talking to you. That was complete bullshit. I saw you looking at Robby and I when we were talking at our table too. You wanted me to take your side before I could talk to Robby. I would have never hae found out about this, Robby is doing the best he can. Just because you don't have a serous g/f to spend your time on. And what you said is 100% selfish. You really should start thinking of other people.

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 01-20-03 10:30pm

Maybe? Most definatly!! You should think about what might happen after what you said. did think i was just going to be peachy after complety ripe on me and my girlfriend, your intention may have been good but your exicution was way off. this all could have avoided.what am i your boyfriend? did you think maybe part of the reason i dont hang out with you as much any more is i dont like who you have become? you arnt the same person. and when you say about how i dont talk to you well when i need to talk to some the most you never really tried to talk to me. but you when you were going through the same thing i made it a point to talk to you about it. all you said was i herd about your parents that was it. yeah sure it didnt seem like i wanted to talk about it but if you would have tried i would have so i just firgured that wasnt really the type of relationship we had. its not about a girl comeing between us its us going different ways. you are the only one that i have talked to so far that thinks i have changed for the worse. or maybe you just bring the worst out of me you make me up tight. you arent conciderite of others feelings at all. Who are you to talk to me about swaring? you are such a hippocite. I also spend more time with than anyone else besides jess. yiu say we dont hang out but between the band and work i do see you a lot.and im not sorry than i have a life now! Please dont spread lies about me or try to turn people against me because it most likely wont work. i hope you have a good night

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 01-20-03 10:33pm

it is never you though its always someone else and you are always an innocent victom looking for someone to get pitty

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 01-21-03 4:59pm

I know I know , I went about it all wrong, but, I haven't changed. I'm just not having the greatest time with my life right now. ANd when I did change, notice that it was no less then like 4 months ago. I never said anything bad about you, I don't know where your getting that from. And the other day, when I tried to talk to crystal, I wasn't trying to put her on anyones side, I was just trying to ask her advice on how to get through this without doing something stupid. YOu have no clue how much it hurts to know that the person I've been calling my best friend doesn't like me anymore because of bad timing on everything. This year has been on brewing pot of bullshit and I've had to cope with it all. Theres not A place I can go anymore with feeling uncomfortable. ANd I would have talked to you, but one, YOu didn't look very sad, # 2, I was like in 6th grade, and #3 How the hell was I supposed to know that you were crying yourself to sleep at night. It wasn't that I was mad, I just felt like I was loosing a friend that I've held more dear than anyone else. It pains me to see that you really don't care. Maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut. Because all it does is fuck things up. Oh and I find it very insulting that you say that you didn't have a life. bye..

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 02-03-03 12:59pm


yeah thats all...;)

no wait

your both still cool in my book

no wait

yeah thats it

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