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xvivaxlabamxfanx (profile) wrote,
on 6-3-2004 at 8:07pm
Current mood: tired
Music: AFI
Subject: woah..
mkay.. first.. i went to the park with fee and i had all them down there shoutin stuff at me and all i was tryin to do was babysit these two girls with felicia.. and supposedly i had candace treaten to beat me up... ya kno, whatever, if they were gonna beat me up, they wouldve done it right there.

so yea.. heres more on the fight:

Aguileraskeys: wyf
Aguileraskeys: wtf*
zgo0dcharlottez: wtf what?
Aguileraskeys: why the fuck did u print the fucken convo WE HAD and show it all ut so called friends?
Aguileraskeys: how mature is that
Aguileraskeys: yea i went to the 9/10 with .. a big mistake
Aguileraskeys: get over it and DONT EVER do that petty shit ever again
Aguileraskeys: u thought i mean yesterday.. u can get worest
zgo0dcharlottez: heres a hint.. ever heard of english?
Aguileraskeys: heres a hint
Aguileraskeys: grow up
Aguileraskeys: why the fuck would u do that dumb sht
Aguileraskeys: shit*
Aguileraskeys: ia m graduating in less then a week and u WANNA RUIN my image at chi
Aguileraskeys: FUCK CHI
Aguileraskeys: and at this point fuck u
zgo0dcharlottez: and thats supposed to insult me?
Aguileraskeys: so if u wanna be "cool" and print out what the fuck i say.. u kno what do so.. cause ull like the ass
Aguileraskeys: so AS I SAID B4 grow the fuck up and get a man that doesnt liek dick.. NO GAY GUY WANTS A STRIAGHT FEMALE AS A LOVER.. get it thru ur head
zgo0dcharlottez: how many fuckign times do i have to tell you i dont fucking like you
Aguileraskeys: im gay and NEVER will like u and u need to understand that
Aguileraskeys: go head tell all ur "cool" friends that i am an ass
zgo0dcharlottez: you are an ass
Aguileraskeys: cause they are all basically 12 anyway
zgo0dcharlottez: and they can see that
Aguileraskeys: i am damn near a grown man
Aguileraskeys: FUCK THEM
Aguileraskeys: i am goin to COLLEGE
zgo0dcharlottez: so.. grown men can be ass holes too
Aguileraskeys: i dont care about some dumb ass freshamn
zgo0dcharlottez: aww but you seemed to with alex a while ago
Aguileraskeys: WITH ALEX?
Aguileraskeys: never was WITH ALEX
Aguileraskeys: ever..
Aguileraskeys: so dont say shit u cant back up
zgo0dcharlottez: o, im sorry i didnt save that e-mail
Aguileraskeys: yea cause ur a fucken stalker
zgo0dcharlottez: uhhm.. no
zgo0dcharlottez: dont think so
Aguileraskeys: bitch please, i was never wth alex and why would u bring that shit up...
Aguileraskeys: GROW UP
Aguileraskeys: i am a 18 year old man and dont need this dumb shit goin on.. find some other guy that uwanna be wierd around.. cause u need to get a life and MOVE ON
Aguileraskeys: 9/10 MWAS DAMN NEAR 3 MONTHS AGO
zgo0dcharlottez: i have a life.. not a good one.. but i have one.. and i have moved on..
Aguileraskeys: yea an printed out shit so pl can read it
zgo0dcharlottez: the only thing i was pissed off about was you lieing.. then you had to go and make it more
Aguileraskeys: real good life.. u moved on.. yea and im straight
zgo0dcharlottez: all you had to fuckin say was that "yea, ok, i went" and i wouldve been fine.. but then you had to drag all the other shit on
Aguileraskeys: i lied and i would lie agin if i was there again
Aguileraskeys: get over alot of ppl will lie to in ur life
Aguileraskeys: MOVE ON and dont be petty about it
Aguileraskeys: so tommorrw as im PRACTICING for graduation.. something u wont do for years, I DONT WANT TO hear form someone.. so petty bitch was showin ppl theses papers..
zgo0dcharlottez: wow.. one day.. on fucking day will be ruined for you.. but you werent the one that had to go every fuckin thing i went through.. everything that didnt even include you.. so dont go and judge me makin my life seem hell of a lot better than yours, coz trust me, its not
Aguileraskeys: i dont care. sry i dont..
zgo0dcharlottez: a lot of people dont
Aguileraskeys: all i want is u to get over it.. i LIED
Aguileraskeys: i fucken lied
Aguileraskeys: dont pull teh guilt trip on me
Aguileraskeys: about u ahvein a bad life
Aguileraskeys: cause my life is no apple in the sun
Aguileraskeys: ok so pass it over to someone else
zgo0dcharlottez: what the fuck could be so bad in ur life that makes it worse than mine?
Aguileraskeys: bitch i was sexually abuse when i was 5 until i was 8.. and then my mom cheated on my dad for 5 years and i couldnt tell my dad
Aguileraskeys: my dad hits me
Aguileraskeys: so anything to say to that>
zgo0dcharlottez: ok .. thats family.. i have family shit too.. like my druggie mom and bitchy dad.. but i mean, at least at school you have like a ton of friends that actually care about you and shit
Aguileraskeys: no i dont
Aguileraskeys: where ami right now?
Aguileraskeys: HOME
Aguileraskeys: SO I HAVE FRIENDS
Aguileraskeys: YEA
Aguileraskeys: SO GET OVER IT
Aguileraskeys: WEL ALL HAVE IT BAD
zgo0dcharlottez: yea i am over it.. and im done this fuckin internet fighting.. if you have anything else more to say.. you kno where i live
Aguileraskeys: IS THATA THREAT?
Aguileraskeys: OMG.. GROW UP
zgo0dcharlottez: i didnt see it that way.. but i guess you do
Aguileraskeys signed off at 7:34:19 PM.

zgo0dcharlottez: wow.. again he blocks me before i get my last sentence in
alexholzbaur: u people need to quit it, but hez right, hiz life iz kinda bad
zgo0dcharlottez: well.. as he said.. we all have bad lives..
just certain ppl get different ends of it ya kno? so i didnt go thru the shit he did.. but he hasnt been thru the shit ive been thru either
alexholzbaur: tru
zgo0dcharlottez: so as they say.. to each his own
zgo0dcharlottez: and the last thing i was gonna tell him.. then i was gonna block him.. was this: all im saying is if you got anything else tosay.. come say it to my face and not behind the computer screen.
alexholzbaur: smart
zgo0dcharlottez: why thank you
zgo0dcharlottez: =)
zgo0dcharlottez: coz i was like "yea i am over it.. and im done this fuckin internet fighting.. if you have anything else more to say.. you kno where i live"
zgo0dcharlottez: adn he wa slike "is that a THREAT?"
zgo0dcharlottez: "OMG GROW UP"
zgo0dcharlottez: then he blocked me
alexholzbaur: smart on hiz part to. I kno that ur mad at him, but hez really not that bad of a person. I mean, he has hiz flawz, but so doez everyone else. When u raelly get to kno him, he can be a really sweet person
zgo0dcharlottez: i thought i knew him.. i thought he WAS nice.. then all this shit happened
zgo0dcharlottez: and i didnt even mean it as a threat
zgo0dcharlottez: he TOOK IT as a threat
zgo0dcharlottez: all i was saying was that he knew where i lived if he had anything more tosay
alexholzbaur: he still iz tho, u just never gave him the chance for u to get to kno him
zgo0dcharlottez: he felt weird around me.. like hes gonna want me to get to know him
alexholzbaur: idk
zgo0dcharlottez: took u that long to type that
alexholzbaur: sry
zgo0dcharlottez: i gave him plenty chances for us to become better friends.. and he either ignored me when we went somewhere.. or ditched me and blew me off
alexholzbaur: lol
alexholzbaur: sometimez he WUZ actully buzy, lyke with the moviez
zgo0dcharlottez: no.. i mean... when we all went to tom jones that thursday night of the play.. then ditching me at the 9/10... and blowing me off for tom jones
zgo0dcharlottez: i could care less about the movie date.. that was more of a thing to set felicia up with rick
alexholzbaur: idk, no one will ever understand that kid, but you kno that hez not usually lyke that. Just appologize and give it one more shot...
zgo0dcharlottez: FUCK NO
zgo0dcharlottez: i aint apologizing for shit
alexholzbaur: but hez deff. worth it
zgo0dcharlottez: if he wanted to be my friend.. then hed fuckin apologize for starting this whole fight..
zgo0dcharlottez: then IF.. thats a BIGG if.. if he does apologize for that.. then ill apologize for letting TWO people read that conversation
alexholzbaur: which two?
zgo0dcharlottez: besides social studies class.. my friend at the bus stop and brittny sutherland
zgo0dcharlottez: but i tell brittany everything.. its not like shes gonna go tell someone
alexholzbaur: 'cept danei
zgo0dcharlottez: like danei cares about my shit? and why would brittany tell danei about my shit?
alexholzbaur: she tellz danei EVERYTHING
zgo0dcharlottez: well whos danei gonna tell then
alexholzbaur: idk, steph schriber?
zgo0dcharlottez: woah, big whoop.. steph scrieber
alexholzbaur: lmao
zgo0dcharlottez: its not like they're telling nicole or someone
alexholzbaur: nicole who>
alexholzbaur: ?*
zgo0dcharlottez: cinaglia
zgo0dcharlottez: or jess salvey
zgo0dcharlottez: ya kno.. someone who sees josh on a regular basis
alexholzbaur: hez not talkin' to either of them really
zgo0dcharlottez: well.. they are the only two i can think of right now.. idk whos hes still cool with or what not
alexholzbaur: ohhh
zgo0dcharlottez: but yeah.. like i said.. im sick of the internet fighting.. is hes got more to say, im home and he knows where i live
alexholzbaur: lmao
zgo0dcharlottez: seriously ... i saw this pic of this kid wining the special olympics.. and the quote said "internet fighting is like winning the special olympics... you may win, but ur still retarted"
alexholzbaur: LMAO
zgo0dcharlottez: yea i thought it was funny too
alexholzbaur: lol
zgo0dcharlottez: but yea.. did u tell him that? or is he really off?
alexholzbaur: hez really off
zgo0dcharlottez: mkay
alexholzbaur: yupperz
alexholzbaur: g2g
alexholzbaur: ttyl
zgo0dcharlottez: kk ttyt

time to get another pic of him and burn it at the busstop tomorrow morning.. AGAIN
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listen bitch, 06-03-04 11:16pm

ull never learn.. will u? keep my name out of ur mouth and if i have to i will fucken come to ur house and wont be anice sight.. ull never have real friends at the rate ur goin.. i lied to u.. i dont like u and this point i wish i didnt go to the dance with u. i wasted both my time and ur time.. so get over ur self and find some other gay guy to crush over.. SO GET THE FUCKEN LIFE U NEED TO GET B4 u lose it all..


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